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研究生(外文):Wen-Chin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Composition of soil seed bank and the responses of growth and physiology in seedlings to light environment in broadleaf-coniferous forest of Dona
指導教授(外文):Yau-Lun Kuo
外文關鍵詞:soil seed bankphotosynthesispioneer speciesshade tolerant species
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森林植物不同的更新策略會影響森林植群演替的過程及結果,因此研究不同植物間的更新方式,將有助於了解森林的動態變化,其中土壤種子庫為植物重要的更新策略之一。本研究在多納針闊葉林一公頃永久樣區中,進行植群及土壤種子庫組成的調查,並探討不同演替階段樹種山楜椒、光葉柃木及錐果櫟的生長及生理在不同光環境下的反應。多納針闊葉林以長尾柯、威氏帝杉、白花八角、錐果櫟及紅楠為優勢種,其中威氏帝杉族群徑級結構呈J型,顯示無法在林下持續更新;其餘優勢樹種呈反J型,顯示可在林下形成大量稚樹庫並持續更新及生長。多納針闊葉林土壤種子庫的組成以先驅種為主,其中先驅種計 15種共716株,演替後期種只發芽1種共11株,兩者呈顯著對比。以生長型而言,此土壤種子庫的組成以草本植物及灌木為主,數量分別佔總數的7.4 %及81%,如山楜椒、霧社懸勾子及光葉柃木等,其中光葉柃木發芽1,129株為最多,佔發芽種子總數的52%,且從土壤表層至土深30 cm各層次中均有出現。現存森林的植物組成中僅有紅楠及光葉柃木2種也出現於土壤種子庫中,但紅楠為當年生的種子,可能於短時間內發芽而成苗木庫,顯示多納針闊葉林演替後期優勢樹種並非以土壤種子庫為其更新機制。本研究另一試驗比較土壤種子庫在人工林孔隙與林下不同環境發芽數的差異,發現在孔隙環境土壤種子庫發芽數量為林下環境的2.6倍,顯示孔隙形成有利於土壤種子庫種子的發芽。此外,森林中多樣的微環境將顯著影響不同演替階段苗木的生長與存活,尤其是光環境。在本研究的全光、孔隙及林下環境中,先驅種山楜椒在全光下的最大光合作用率及樹高相對生長率分別為8.7 μmol m-2s-1及18.6%,顯著高於耐蔭種錐果櫟的6.6 μmol m-2s-1及2.2 %,顯示山楜椒可充份利用高光資源。在林下環境,錐果櫟及山楜椒的暗呼吸率、光補償點及最大光合作用率均無顯著差異,表示錐果櫟在林下環境的生理表現並無優勢,可能有其它的機制使其在林下低光環境有競爭的優勢。廣泛分佈種光葉柃木在全光環境的樹高相對生長率與先驅種山楜椒間無顯著差異;在林下環境光葉柃木的暗呼吸率及光補償點顯著小於另2樹種,最大光合作用率則顯著最高,因此這些特性有利於光葉柃木在全光及林下環境的生長。本研究由林下轉變為孔隙所增加的光量資源,可顯著促進山楜椒、光葉柃木及錐果櫟的生長。
Different regeneration strategies for forest plants will effect the future succession of forest community. It is helpful to understand the dynamics of the forest by investigating the various regeneration methods of plants. The soil seed bank is one of the important regeneration strategies. Through this research of 1 ha area of research site, we try to check the composition of the soil seed bank in the broadleaf-coniferous forest of Dona, and investigate the responses of growth and physiology in three different light environments using Litsea cubeba, Eurya nitida var. nitida and Cycolbalanopsis longinux as materials. The Dona forest were dominated by Castanopsis carlesii、Pseudotsuga wilsoniana、Illicium tashiroi、Cyclobalanopsis longinux and Machilus thunbergii. The J shape of diameter structure of Pseudotsuga wilsoniana reveals this specie can not regenerate in this forest. Another species of dominant species in Dona forest present opposite J shape of diameter structure and can regenerate continuously by forming a lot of seedlings. The soil seed band is dominated by pioneer species, including 15 species、716 seedlings of pioneers and 1 species、11 seedlings of late successional plants. Both shows outstanding different. The soil seed bank has a higher proportion of herbs and shrubs, being 7.4% and 81% of all germinated seeds respectively, including Litsea cubeba、Rubus linearifolius and Eurya nitida var. nitida. Eurya nitida var. nitida has 1129 germinated seeds, involves 52% of all germinated seeds and spreads from 0-30 cm of soil. Machilus thunbergii and Eurya nitida var. nitida of Dona forest were the only species appearing in the soil seeds bank. But Machilus thunbergii is produced in this year and may germinate soon to form seedling bank. So the regeneration strategy of the dominant plants of late successional forest is not from the soil seed bank. This research try to compare the difference of germinated soil numbers of soil seed bank between gap and understory environment of forest in man-made forest. It reveals the numbers of gap environment is 2.6 times to the ones of understory environment. So gap environment can advance the germination of seeds in soil seed bank. The various microenvironments in the forest, especially the light environment, have a severe impacts on the growth and survival of different successional seedlings.In the research environment of high light , gap and understory, the Amax and relative growth rate of tree height per month in Litsea cubeba is obvious higher than the other species in high light environment, being 8.7 μmol m-2s-1and 18.6%, respectively. It is obvious higher than Cyclobalanopsis longinux, being 6.6μmol m-2s-1 and 2.2%. It shows Litsea cubeba can grow well, and utilize light resources efficiently in a high light environment. However, the dark respiration, light saturation point, and maximum photosynthetic rate of Litsea cubeba and Cycolbalanopsis longinux has no conspicuous difference. The result reveals that Cycolbalanopsis longinux has no better physiological characteristics in understory of the forest, but could have other advantageous mechanisms for flourishing growth and development. The relative growth rate of Eurya nitida var. nitida in tree height is 18.8% in high light environment, and do not differs significantly from Litsea cubeba. In the understory of forest, the dark respiration and light saturation point of Eurya nitida var. nitida are lower than the other species, but the photosynthesis is higher significantly. These characteristics can enhance survival rate of Eurya nitida var. nitida. These representations indicate that Eurya nitida var. nitida can grow well in the understory of forest or in a full light environment. The outcome shows that changes in light from gap formation will be beneficial for the growth and survival of different successional species.
Keyword: soil seed bank, photosynthesis, pioneer species, Shade tolerant species
中文摘要……………………...………………………………. Ⅰ
一、 試驗地點概述…………………...………………12
二、 植群調查…………………………………...……16
三、 土壤種子庫……………………………...………17
四、 山楜椒、光葉柃木及錐果櫟苗木生長及生理對
一、 植群調查………………………...………………23
二、 土壤種子庫…….…………...……………………27
三、 不同光環境對山楜椒、光葉柃木及錐果櫟苗木
四、 不同光環境對山楜椒、光葉柃木及錐果櫟苗木
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9. 〈鮑照模擬詩的成就〉,唐海濤著,《國立中央圖書館館刊》第二十卷第二期。
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11. 〈鮑照詩中的對偶句〉,唐海濤著,《中華文化復興月刊》第二十一卷第三期。
12. 〈鮑照詩文中所表現的鄉土家人之戀〉,唐海濤著,《中華文化復興月刊》第二十一卷第四期。
13. 〈鮑照詩小論〉,呂正惠著,《文學評論》第六期。
14. 〈鮑照其人其詩〉,菊韻著,《今日中國》第二十七期。
15. 〈鮑照的「擬行路難」(下)〉,唐海濤著,《國立中央圖書館館刊》第二十卷第一期。