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研究生(外文):Min-Lin Ho
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Human Resource Management Systems on Firm Performance ---Take the Indigenous Firms in Taiwan and Taiwan Firms in Mainland China for Example
指導教授(外文):Shyh-Jer ChenAnlin chen
外文關鍵詞:human resourcefirm performanceindigenous firms in Taiwanand Taiwan firms in Mainland China.
  • 被引用被引用:5
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:9
1. 台灣本土企業與大陸台商在「人力資源價值觀」及「組織績效」上有顯著的差異。顯示大陸台商較台灣本土企業更重視人力資源價值、且在組織績效上的表現較佳,故在大陸投資的確有其競爭力存在。
2. 「人力資源價值觀」與「競爭策略」對人力資源管理系統有顯著的正向影響,且設置人力資源管理部門對人力資源管理系統也有正向的影響。顯示企業的高階主管越重視人力資源的價值,採行差異化競爭策略程度越高,則越會傾向於採取「承諾最大化」的人力資源管理系統。另外設有人力資源管理部門的企業,越能對組織的人力資源做完整適當的規劃,所以越傾向採行「承諾最大化」的人力資源管理系統。
3. 「成立年數」(20年以下)、「人力資源價值觀」、「競爭策略」、對「組織績效」有顯著的正向影響。顯示成立年數在20年以下的企業較成立年數在20年以上的企業,在組織績效上有更佳的表現;越重視人力資源管理、且採行差異化競爭策略程度越高的企業,組織績效的表現較佳。
In the recent years, a lot of Taiwan firms shut factories and turned to invest their capital in Mainland China. This situation reflects that the investment conditions in Taiwan are not as good as before. On the contrary, China has plenty of labor forces and their wage rate is much lower than Taiwan. Besides, China is an extensive market and abundant in natural resources. Many famous businesses in the world seize the chance of investing in China and get the market share. The first purpose of thesis is that analyzing the differences of HR values, competitive strategies, HRM systems, and firm performance between the indigenous firms in Taiwan and Taiwan firms in Mainland China. And the second purpose is that using all the samples to examine the effect of HRM systems on firm performance.
This research collected data by issuing and mailing questionnaires. Effective questionnaires of indigenous firms in Taiwan sent back are 182 and effective rate is 10.11%; effective questionnaire of Taiwan firms in Mainland China sent back are 119 and effective rate is 19.01%. By using statistical method, the results are as follows:
1. There are significant differences in “HR values” and “firm performance” between indigenous firms in Taiwan and Taiwan firms in Mainland China. The result shows that Taiwan firms in Mainland China put more emphasis on HR values and has better performance than indigenous firms in Taiwan.
2. “HR values” and “competitive strategies” have positive effects on “HRM systems”. Besides, setting up an independent HR department also has positive effects on “HRM systems”. The result indicates that if the top managers put more emphasis on human resource management and adopt differentiation strategies, the firms are more likely to use “make-organic” HRM systems.
3. “HR values”, and “competitive strategies” have positive impact on “firm performance”. This result shows that if the top managers put more emphasis on human resource management and adopt differentiation strategies, the firms will get better performance.
According to the results above, this study suggest that we should take human resource as the most important asset of the business, and set up an independent HR department to manage human resource and make good use of it. In addition, we should adapt the “make-organic” HRM systems in order to improve performance.
目 錄

第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 競爭策略 5
第二節 策略性人力資源管理、人力資源管理系統與人力資源價值觀 11
第三節 組織績效 20
第四節 台灣本土企業與大陸台商之人力資源管理制度探討 25
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究架構 34
第二節 研究假設 36
第三節 研究變項定義及問卷設計 39
第四節 問卷設計 41
第五節 抽樣方法與樣本特性分析 46
第六節 資料分析方法 53
第七節 量表信度分析 54
第八節 研究限制 60
第四章 實證分析 62
第一節 各研究變項之描述性統計分析 62
第二節 各研究變項之相關分析 64
第三節 台灣本土企業與大陸台商在各變項上的差異 67
第四節 組織特徵與人力資源管理系統之關聯 69
第五節 組織特徵、競爭策略與人力資源價值觀對人力資源管理系統之影響 78
第六節 人力資源管理系統、人力資源價值觀、競爭策略、組織特徵對組織績效之影響82
第五章 結論與建議 87
第一節 結論 87
第二節 建議 92
參考文獻 95
附錄:研究問卷 100
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