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研究生(外文):Yi-Jye Leu
論文名稱(外文):Adaptation Mechanism of Eclosion Date Dimorphism in the Marine Midge Pontomyia oceana (Diptera:Chironomidae)
指導教授(外文):Keryea Soong
外文關鍵詞:emergence synchronizationbet-hedgingadaptive strategysemilunar rhythmmarine midgePontomyia oceana
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本研究主要探討海生搖蚊 Pontomyia oceana 同一天的受精卵,為何會在個體發育成熟後,有兩個間隔為近半月的羽化高峰?針對子代具有兩羽化高峰的現象提出了 ”子代不同適應”與 ”親代分散風險” 兩個假說,來解釋 P. oceana 子代羽化分布在雙峰的適應機制。比較兩高峰的子代性狀的結果,不同高峰羽化的子代在雌蚊卵數、卵徑,雄蚊頭與胸部長度等性狀並沒有顯著差異,不符合 ”子代不同適應” 假說的預測。不論從哪個高峰選取培養的個體,仍具有兩個羽化高峰的發生,由遺傳實驗說明第一高峰譜系羽化的時間,並不受親代羽化時間的影響,此結果不支持 ”子代不同適應” 假說的前提,而第二高峰譜系之羽化比例有降低的現象,但在極端環境處理下F2其比例卻無降低的趨勢,顯示無遺傳相關性。在不同餵食量與光週期等環境因子變動下,兩羽化高峰間隔呈半月週期,與野外觀察的情形相同,且野外每日的風速資料變異極大,亦支持搖蚊在潮間帶多變動且無法預期的環境下,將子代分散在不同高峰期羽化,可以減低其子代個體同時死亡的風險。
Two peaks of eclosion dates, about 15 days apart, occur in the same batch of fertilized eggs in the marine midge, Pontomyia oceana. Two hypotheses, the variable adaptive peaks and the bet-hedging hypotheses, were proposed as the ultimate factor of the polymorphic phenomenon. They were tested by experiments controlling feeding amount and photoperiod, as well as selective breeding experiments. The offspring eclosing in the two peaks do not differ in fecundities, egg diameters, thorax and head lengths of males; this is not compatible with the variable adaptive peaks hypothesis. Both peaks exist under various feeding and photoperiods, although peak ratios differed in the former. The results in the first peak lineage did not support there is genetic component in peak ratio determination. The experiments in the second peak lineage had much lower success rates, although the results seemed to suggest a genetic component. The results in a more extreme selection experiment did not support that there is genetic component either. The present results are more compatible with the bet-hedging hypothesis. Wind velocity may be a factor hard to predict by the midges, and it may cause reproductive failure of them. Whereas high emergence synchronization, a prominent feature of the marine midge, may have advantages in many aspects, it also concentrates the risk of total reproductive failure. Spreading offspring to more than one suitable eclosion peak, the midge may have sacrificed short-term reproductive rate for long-term fitness.
章次 頁碼

壹、 緒論………………………………………………………… 1
貳、 材料與方法………………………………………………… 7
參、 實驗結果…………………………………………………… 12
肆、 討論………………………………………………………… 17
參考文獻……………………………………………………………… 23
表……………………………………………………………………… 27
圖……………………………………………………………………… 40

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