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研究生(外文):Wen-yang Hsia
論文名稱(外文):An HLA-based Simulation Environment for Virtual Reality via Java3D
指導教授(外文):Chungnan Lee
外文關鍵詞:High Level ArchitectureVirtual RealityNetworked Simulation Environment
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本篇論文的主要動機是以HLA為基礎系統架構,因應現今網路使用者對網際網路應用程式的需求,配合目前電腦視覺領域中極為熱門的3D圖形和Visual Reality技術,設計出一套網路的、即時性的、互動的、多媒體的、多人連線的應用程式系統模組。並以美國國防部所提出的The DoD Modeling and Simulation Master Plan取其優點應用於學術界的研究和工商界的發展上,並做為網路模擬環境設計的一個參考。

但是就現今的網路環境來說,頻寬問題是影響應用程式效能的首要關鍵。因此,我們希望此系統模組可以更有效地利用有限的資源,並能夠動態地調整系統模組內部的因應措施。為了進一步實現我們的想法,我們提出了三個階段性的步驟。首先是設計一套控制機制來降低網路使用量和穩定資料協調的問題。我們利用兩個方法Three-Level Control Mechanism,Dynamic Filtering Scheme配合HLA來達到這個階段的要求。第二步驟是再設計一套控制機制來有效地利用網路資源,我們利用Load Balancing的觀念來改善系統的運作模式。最後一步驟則利用Java3D設計應用程式的核心和介面。
The enforcement of reusability and shareability of products or components based on new technology standards for simulation and modeling is of paramount importance. In this thesis we first utilize DMSO HLA as the basic fundamental to design a customization environment for Web-based modeling and simulation. The environment is able to offer the interoperability framework between a broad spectrum of simulation paradigms, including both real-time and logical time models and to support a huge number of participants. To fulfill the goal we proposed three main tasks to be done. First, we proposed the mechanism to reduce the communication overhead and to balance the information consistency among large participants by incorporating a three-level control mechanism and Dynamic Filtering Strategy (DFS) within HLA RTI. In the second task, we proposed a load balancing algorithm to efficiently utilize the resource over the network environment. At the last task we use Java 3D to build a virtual reality application on the environment.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Background
2.1. Web-based Simulation
2.2. The Distributed Interactive Simulation – IEEE 1278
2.3. The High-Level Architecture – IEEE P1516
2.4. Description of the HLA RTI
Chapter 3. Related Work
3.1. WebHLA
3.3. DISCOVER’99
3.4. Comparisons of Existing System Models
Chapter 4. Objectives
4.1. Virtual Reality
4.2. Efficiently Message Filtering
4.3. Objects Sharing and Reusing
4.4. Scalability
4.5. Time Synchronization
Chapter 5. System Architecture
5.1. Overview
5.2. Mechanisms
5.3. Three-Level Control Mechanism (3LCM)
5.4. Dynamic Filtering Strategy (DFS)
5.5. Load Balancing
5.6. Implementation
Chapter 6. Conclusions
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