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研究生(外文):Yu-Feng Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Tooth Geometries of Gear Sets with Skew Axes
指導教授(外文):Ying-Chien Tsai
外文關鍵詞:gear set with skew axesconjugateparametric
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Presently, there are a lot of applications of gear sets with skew axes, some of them, especially worm gear sets and hypoid gear sets, are widely used. Take hypoid gear as example, gear sets produced by different gear factories can’t fit to each other. Due to the lacking in common properties among different systems, it is disadvantageous to integrated application of development of gear researches. Therefore, a common mathematical constructive model is necessary to be established.
The main content of this thesis is to construct the mathematical parametric model and the partial differential constraint equation according to the rigid-body transformation theory and General Theorem of Conjugate Surfaces. After finding out the solution from the partial differential constraint equation, a new line-contacted type of tooth profile of gear sets with skew axes, quality analyses to the parameters of gear profile rendered are proceeded. Finally, utilize the software of motion simulation to simulate the operating situation of the linear contacted type of gear sets with skew axes constructed, and supply the demonstration of the theory of tooth profile of gear sets and properties of gear sets.
摘要 I
目 錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
符號說明 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究方向與論文結構 4
第二章 歪斜軸齒輪組共軛齒形之數學模式 6
2-1 剛體運動的描述 6
2-2 齒輪組之座標系統定義 8
2-3 瞬間螺旋軸位置參數 9
2-4 N平面的觀念 13
2-5 共軛齒形 19
第三章 歪斜軸齒輪組共軛齒形 23
3-1 歪斜軸齒輪拘束方程式之求解 23
3-2 拘束方程式的簡化 25
3-3 歪斜軸齒輪組共軛齒面的建構 28
3-4 歪斜軸齒輪組共軛齒面產生程式 31
第四章 齒形參數特性分析 33
4-1 理論推導中的限制條件 33
4-2 假設條件的參數特性 36
4-3 參數設定範例 47
4-4 齒面分析 52
第五章 歪斜軸齒輪組齒形之建構實例 54
5-1 齒面建構合成實例說明 54
5-2 運轉測試 61
5-3 其他嚙合條件的齒輪組 64
5-4 非齒輪方面的應用 67
第六章 結論 69
參考文獻 71
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