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研究生(外文):Chun-Shen Wang
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation of Strategies for Positioning of Chichin District ofKaohsiung City from Residents’ Community Consciousness,Tourism Development Attitude and Impacts
指導教授(外文):Jui-Kun Kuo
外文關鍵詞:tourist impactresidents'' participationcommunity consciousness
  • 被引用被引用:32
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Chichin District of Kaohsiung City not only embraces the harbor coastal space of natural water coast resources, but also owns rich human historic sites, delicious seafood cuisine, etc. To most of the local residents or tourists, the district all along has tremendous tourist charm. In order to attract more tourists to visit this district and meet the residents’ eager requests for recreation, in recent years Kaohsiung municipal government has been positively developing diversified tourist facilities and items in this district in expectation for promotion of people’s satisfaction on the overall tourist recreational experience. Therefore, a deep understanding of the residents’ or tourists’ satisfaction, extent of recognition and background difference towards the tourism development of the district is an important subject when taking options in the keenly competitive tourist environment in future. And this investigation can also provide a reference for the relevant departments to plan for their future direction and to review their work for improvement.
This research mainly investigates from three aspects: “community conscious-ness,” “recognition towards the impact of tourism development” and “participation attitude and environmental residential experience,” etc. of the Chichin residents of Kaohsiung. In studying the Kaohsiung municipal government’s urging for tourism development of Chichin District, the research meanwhile gives an understanding on the residents’ concentration of community consciousness, their attitude towards the development of tourism and their residential experience, etc. The results of the research can also provide more appropriate strategies for the Kaohsiung municipal government in positioning the future tourism development of Chichin District of Kaohsiung City by using the effective resources.
The results of the research show that over the “analysis on residents’ participation attitude and environmental residential experience,” the residents currently residing in this district mostly gave such reasons for their residence as “residing here generation after generation,” “friends and relatives mostly living in this district” and “relationship of work,” etc. The ratio of these factors is 75.2% of the tested samples. In this way, the researcher can interpret the situation that among these residents, being different from those of other districts, there established tight kinship and friendship. And they are helpful to the concentration of community consciousness. At the same time we can learn from the results of the research that there is an obvious correlation between “sex,” “residing alley” in the attributes of the residents’ basic background, and “high or low group of social consciousness,” and “high or low group of recognition of tourism development impact” respectively.
After analysis on the results of this research, it is suggested that the actions that the relevant administrative departments should take are: 1.“Reserve of resources,” including the confirmation for establishment of a system for tourism attraction in Chichin District of Kaohsiung City, a unification of the things and rights of management so as to avoid excessive development, etc. 2. “Community development,” an effective use of the properties of the generally high community consciousness among the residents of Chichin, and a maintenance of high extent of concentration through the assistance by the third department. Finally, this research also mentions that if the angle is changed by taking the experience and recognition of residents as a reference for planning the development of the district, then perhaps the optimal effects can be acquired from development.
目 錄
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………………7
第三章 課題的形成與研究方法…………………………………………………..42
第四章 問卷調查結果與分析……………………………………………………..71
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………101
表2-3-1 高雄市民最喜歡之高雄市觀光遊憩點統計表…………………………37
表2-3-2 高雄市旗津區主要景點遊客人數統計表………………………………38
表3-1-1 高雄市旗津區人口變化表………………………………………………45
表3-3-1 個人背景屬性變項表……………………………………………………50
表3-3-2 社區意識組成因素相關研究彙整表……………………………………52
表3-3-3 居民基本背景屬性與社區意識高低類群之統計假設推衍表…………56
表3-3-4 居民基本背景屬性與觀光發展衝擊認知高低類群統計假設推衍表…58
表3-3-5 居民基本背景屬性與觀光發展衝擊認知高低類群統計假設推衍表…60
表3-3-6 居民社區意識高低類群與觀光發展衝擊認知組成因素構面之統計
表3-3-7 居民社區意識組成構面與觀光發展認知組成構面統計假設推衍表…63
表3-5-1 問卷內容說明表…………………………………………………………67
表3-5-2 高雄市旗津區各里戶數統計表…………………………………………70
表4-1-1 旗津居民受訪者基本資料次數分配表…………………………………72
表4-2-1 旗津居民參與態度和環境居住經驗次數分配表………………………79
表4-3-1 旗津居民社區意識同意強度結果表……………………………………82
表4-3-2 旗津居民社區意識試題信度分析表……………………………………83
表4-3-3 旗津居民社區意識試題因素分析表……………………………………85
表4-4-1 旗津居民對觀光發展與觀光衝擊認知同意強度結果表………………87
表4-4-2 旗津居民對觀光發展與觀光衝擊認知試題信度分析表………………88
表4-4-3 旗津居民對觀光發展與觀光衝擊認知因素分析表……………………90
表4-5-1 社區意識高低類群次數分配表…………………………………………91
表4-5-2 個人基本屬性資料與社區意識高低類群之卡方檢定表………………93
表4-5-3 個人基本屬性資料與社區意識構面之T檢定或單因子變異數分
表4-6-1 觀光發展認知等級次數分配表…………………………………………97
表4-6-2 個人基本屬性資料與居民對觀光發展及觀光衝擊認知高低類群
表4-6-3 社區意識高低類群與居民對觀光發展及觀光衝擊認知組成因素
表4-6-4 居民社區意識組成因素與居民對觀光發展及觀光衝擊認知組成
圖1-2-1 研究流程圖………………………………………………………………..3
圖2-1-1 社區意識與社區發展系統圖…………………………………………….13
圖2-1-2 地區觀光發展與居民參與模式運作循環關係圖……………………….16
圖2-2-1 居民對觀光衝擊認知及態度架構圖…………………………………….26
圖2-2-2 觀光衝擊模式圖………………………………………………………….27
圖2-2-3 遊客-居民互援因果圖………………………………………………….28
圖2-2-4 對觀光持不同態度之居民類型圖……………………………………….29
圖2-2-5 反應觀光引起社會文化衝擊模式圖…………………………………….30
圖2-2-6 觀光發展之可察階段模式圖…………………………………………….31
圖2-3-1 高雄市綜合發展計畫圖………………………………………………….40
圖3-1-1 高雄市旗津區位置圖…………………………………………………….44
圖3-2-1 研究架構圖……………………………………………………………….49
圖3-3-1 居民背景屬性組成構面圖……………………………………………….51
圖3-3-2 社區意識組成構面圖.……………………………………………………53
圖3-3-3 居民觀光發展與衝擊認知組成構面圖………………………………….54
圖3-3-4 統計假設一之分析流程圖……………………………………………….57
圖3-3-5 統計假設二之分析流程圖……………………………………………….59
圖3-3-6 統計假設三之分析流程圖……………………………………………….61
圖3-3-7 統計假設四之分析流程圖……………………………………………….62
圖3-3-8 統計假設五之分析流程圖……………………………………………….63
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