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研究生(外文):Ching-ping, Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The Relationships between Elementary Children''''''''s Television Literacy and Parental Mediation on Children''''''''s Television Viewing
指導教授(外文):Chia-sen, Huang
外文關鍵詞:television literacyparental mediationchildren''''''''s viewing
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一、 台中縣、市國小兒童對電視科技、電視節目類別、電視語言等電視節目內容的表面意涵較為熟悉,對電視機構、電視觀眾、電視再現等隱而不彰的深層意義較不瞭解。
二、 年級愈高、就讀台中市的學校、父親或母親教育程度愈高的兒童,其電視識讀能力愈高。而性別、收視時數則與兒童電視識讀能力無相關。
三、 在父母介入兒童收視行為的三種不同介入類型裡,父母較常以評價型或約束型介入兒童的收視行為,無目的型介入則較少被採用。
四、 父母以約束型介入方式介入兒童收視行為會因兒童的性別、學校所在地區、父親教育程度的不同而有所差異;父母以評價型介入方式介入兒童收視行為會因兒童的性別與學校所在地區的不同而有所差異;父母以無目的型介入方式介入兒童收視行為會因兒童的學校所在地區與母親教育程度的不同而有所差異。
五、 父母介入兒童收視行為各層面皆與整體的兒童電視識讀能力有顯著相關,而其中評價型、約束型介入與兒童電視識讀能力更是達到顯著高相關。
六、 兒童的性別、年級、學校地區、收視時數、父親的教育程度、母親的教育程度與父母介入兒童收視行為各層面:約束型介入、評價型介入、無目的型介入等項對兒童電視識讀能力的預測情形,以年級最具預測力。
The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary children’s television literacy and parental mediation on children’s television viewing.
According to the literature review, the “Questionnaire of Children’s Television Literacy” and the “Questionnaire of Parental Mediation on Children’s Television Viewing” were developed. A total of 11 elementary schools, 794 subjects were sampled from two different areas: Taichung city and Taichung county. The major finding of this study were as follows:
1. The results show that children have better performance on television technologies, television categories, and television language, but aren’t so familiar with television agencies, television audience, and television representation.
2. The effects of children’s age, study location, parents’ educational degree on television literacy were significant, 6th graders were better than 4th graders, city students were better than county students, higher parents’ educational degree were better than lower parents’ educational degree. The effects of gender and teleview hours on television literacy were not significant.
3. In the three distinctive dimensions of parental mediation, evaluative mediation and restrictive mediation were more often used than unfocused mediation.
4. The effects of children’ gender, school location, and fathers’ educational degree on restrictive mediation were significant. The effects of children’ gender and school area on evaluative mediation were significant. The effects of children’ school location, and mothers’ educational degree on unfocused mediation were significant.
5. There were significant positive correlation between elementary children’s television literacy and parental mediation on children’s television viewing. Particularly, evaluative mediation and restrictive mediation have high correlation with television literacy.
6. The best predictor for television literacy was the variable of age.
Based on the results, this study made three suggestions for parents, educational administration institutions and future study.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究8
第三節 待答問題9
第四節 研究範圍與限制9
第五節 名詞定義11
第二章 文獻探討12
第一節 電視識讀能力的意義與內涵12
第二節 相關理論基礎21
第三節 影響電視識讀能力的因素及相關研究32
第四節 父母對兒童收視行為的介入43
第三章 研究方法58
第一節 研究架構58
第二節 研究對象59
第三節 研究工具62
第四節 實施程序67
第五節 資料處理70
第四章 研究結果與討論72
第一節 兒童電視識讀能力的結果分析與討論72
第二節 父母介入兒童收視行為的結果分析與討論92
第三節 父母介入兒童收視行為與兒童電視識讀能力的相關之分析與討論104
第四節 兒童背景變項與父母介入兒童收視行為對兒童電視識讀能力的預測情形109
第五章 結論與建議120
第一節 研究發現120
第二節 研究結論126
第三節 研究建議128
附 錄143
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