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研究生(外文):Chaoming Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Success Factors for Engineering Expatriates in Technology Transfer Assignments
指導教授(外文):Nien Chi Liu
外文關鍵詞:Professinal expatriateTechnology TransferCognitive map analysis
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本文利用認知圖分析,嘗試描繪出在技術移轉過程中專業派外成功因素者的心智模式。 本研究成果發現,專業經驗與語言能力所構成的溝通能力,對於含有技術移轉任務之專業派外任務的成功有極大的貢獻。 然而,某些個人特質,例如與人合作之能力,積極的態度,和某些些情境因素,諸如明確的任務定義與攥寫完整的技術文件與完善的派外人員家庭福利與照顧等,對於任務的成功也是極重要的影響因素。而這些發現也與過去技術移轉和派外管理文獻之說法不謀而合。
Through cognitive map analysis, this study tries to depict the mental model of the successful factors of professional expatriate assignments on technology transfer process. The findings indicate that communication ability, which comes from technology/experience and language fluency, may contribute most for the success of expatriate assignments of technology transfer. However, some individual attributes, such as good capabilities to get along with others, proactive attitudes, and some situation factors, such as clear task definitions, clear written documents, and welfare for expatriate family may be critical for expatriate success. Theses findings seem to confirm our early thoughts that influential factors would come from both technology transfer and management expatriate literature.
Table of Content
Table of Contentiii
1. Introduction1
2. Theoretical Background3
2.1. Techology Transfer3
2.2. Expatriate Management4
3. Methodology and Data Source6
3.1. Cognitive Map by Content Analysis6
3.2. The Method7
3.2. Data Source9
4. Results and Findings11
4.1. Cognitive Map from ROCSAT Programs11
4.2. Map Analysis for ROCSAT Program Cognitive Maps14
4.3. Team Mental Model for ROCSAT Programs16
4.4. Collective Cognitive Map for the ROCSAT Programs18
5. Conclusion 20
References 22
Appendix 1. Interview Questions24
Appendix 2. Edited Interview Data and Its Cognitive Map 25
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