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研究生(外文):Yi-Ming Yen
論文名稱(外文):Overall Rate Constants of Diffusion and Reaction in Suspensions
指導教授(外文):Shih-Yuan Lu
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當 D>1 當 D=1

Processes involving diffusion of small entities onto the surface of much larger inclusions and incorporation of these small entities into the much larger inclusions, are commonly found in nature and industry. There were many researches by computer simulation for diffusion-limited processes, but the researches for the non-diffusion-limited were a few. In this research, we suppose that there are many randomly distributed particles in space. By using boundary collocation method and Monte-Carlo simulation I compute the normalized overall rate constants of reaction when the surface reaction rate is finite. We can control the surface reaction rate to be finite or not by a dimensionless parameter P. As P=0, the process is diffusion limited. And as P→∞, the process is reaction-limited.
When particles are randomly distributed in space, we see that normalized overall rate constants increase as increasing the volume fraction of particles, and normalized overall rate constants decrease as increasing the P value. If we compare normalized overall rate constants obtained from particles in random or in regular arrays, we see when the volume fraction of particles is smaller than 0.6, normalized overall rate constants of particles of random arrays are smaller.
But when particles in are a very dilute situation, normalized overall rate constants increase with increasing the P value. And when particles are arranged in a rod (1D), square (2D) or cube (3D), normalized overall rate constant and the number of particle (N) will have the following relation ( D: fractal number ) :
as D>1 as D=1
If we use the slopes from the equations and P value to make a plot, the plot can be separated into three regions:P=0~0.1, P=0.1-10, P=10-infinite. And the slopes decrease dramatically when P value change 0.1 from 10.

第一章 緒論8
1-1 前言8
1-2 表面反應為速率瞬間反應之研究10
1-3 表面反應速率為有限值之研究12
第二章 多顆球形懸浮粒子─邊界取點法17
2-1 濃度分佈之推導、計算17
2-1-1 模型之說明17
2-1-2 邊界取點法說明20
2-2 正規化總反應速率常數21
2-2-1 正規化的標準21
2-2-2 平均濃度22
2-2-3 正規化總反應速率常數23
第三章 多顆球形懸浮粒子--蒙地卡羅模擬24
3-1 模型之說明24
3-2 微細粒子的運動26
3-2-1 首次通過時間理論26
3-2-2 擴散控制反應29
3-2-3 非擴散控制反應30
第四章 球形懸浮粒子於無窮稀薄環境之探討32
4-1 邊界取點法部分32
4-1-1 推導與計算32
4-1-2 正規化總反應速率常數33
4-2 蒙地卡羅模擬35
4-2-1 模擬方式35
4-2-2 擴散與非擴散控制反應37
第五章 結果與討論38
5-1 多顆球形懸浮粒─邊界取點法38
5-1-1 測試結果38
5-1-2 多顆球形懸浮粒子之總反應速率常數40
5-2 多顆球形懸浮粒子--蒙地卡羅模擬44
5-2-1 測試結果44
5-2-2 正規化總反應速率常數52
5-2-3 連續式加入球心之探討56
5-3 球形懸浮粒子於無窮稀薄環境58
5-3-1 邊界取點法58
5-3-2 蒙地卡羅模擬66
第六章 結論69
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