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研究生(外文):Chen-Ming Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Sheath Dynamics and Application in Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation
指導教授(外文):Chwung-Shan Kou
外文關鍵詞:plasma immersion ion implantationsheathplasma ion acoustic wavehigh voltage pulseplasma resistanceelectroless Copperionized PVDSOI
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The main purpose of the paper is to develop the technique of the plasma immersion ion implantation ( PIII ), and to study the sheath propagation in terms of the negative high voltage pulse on the target. A high-density inductively coupled plasma source and a high-voltage pulse system have been successfully developed. The plasma density is as high as 10^12 #/cm3, the electron temperature is about 1.8eV, and the plasma area is 12cm in diameter with an uniformity 10%. The high-voltage pulse system can generate a pulse with 60kV, 15A, and the pulse width 1us~20us. the sheath dynamics of the non-uniform plasma is presented, including the transition of the sheath motion from the supersonic regime to the subsonic regime and the ion-acoustic rarefaction wave. In addition, the dielectric surface of the target is also studied. A one-dimension fluid model has been developed to simulate the sheath evolution and a comparison between the numerical and the experiment is done. The plasma characteristics such as the plasma density, the plasma impedance and so on are investigated, and the change of the electron energy distribution from the Druyvesteyn to the Maxwellian during the E-H mode transition is measured. Finally, apply the PIII technique to the Silicon-On-Insulator fabrication and the electroless Copper.
第一章 簡介
1.1 電漿離子佈植
1.1.1 電漿離子佈植的優缺點
1.1.2 電漿離子佈植的應用
1.1.3 電漿離子佈植的電漿系統
1.2 電感式偶合電漿源
1.3 電漿鞘層的基本觀念
1.4 研究目的及論文架構
第二章 實驗設備系統
2.1 ICP射頻電漿系統
2.1.1 電漿系統結構
2.1.2 匹配電路(Matchig network)
2.2 高電壓脈衝系統
2.2.1 高電壓脈衝產生器
2.2.2 RF高壓探針和circuit monitor
2.3 Langmuir probe量測系統
2.3.1 Single Langmuir probe量測系統
2.3.2 RF Langmuir probe
a. RF對探針的影響
b. 消除RF的干擾
2.3.3 Floating double probe
第三章 電漿鞘層動態理論
3.1 基本描述
3.2 電漿鞘層的運動過程
3.3 流體模型分析
A. 穩定態結構(Steady-State Configuration)
B. Supersonic regime(ds/dt>Cs)
C. 離子聲波(Ion-Acoustic Rarefaction Wave)
D. Subsonic regime(ds/dt
E. 電漿鞘層的離子密度
第四章 電漿鞘層動態模擬
4.1 流體模型Fluid Model
4.2 歸一化Normalization
4.3 數值方法與邊界條件
4.3.1 離散化
4.3.2 數值方法
4.3.3 起始及邊界條件
4.4 離子密度分佈
4.5 離木與中性粒子的碰撞效應
4.6 Dielectric case
4.7 模擬結果與討論
4.7.1 簡單的例子
4.7.2 介電質的例子
第五章 電漿鞘層動態量測
5.1 電漿密度與電子溫度
5.1.1 電漿密度
5.1.2 電子溫度
5.2 鞘層動態量測
5.2.1 電流隨時間變化
5.2.2 ion acoustic raefaction wave的傳遞速度
5.2.3 鞘層隨時間的演變
5.2.4 介電質對鞘層動態的影響
5.3 實驗與理論模擬的比較
第六章 電漿源特性量測
6.1 電漿特性的量測
6.2 電漿阻抗的量測
6.3 E-H相變(E-H transition)
第七章 以電漿離子佈植製作 SOI
7.1 文獻回顧
7.1.1 SOI 的優點
7.1.2 SIMOX與Ion-Cut的製程
7.2 實驗步驟
7.3 結果與討論
1. 電漿量測
2. 離子佈植晶片之縱深分析(SIMS)
3. 佈植試片表面分析(SEM、SPM)
4. 橫截面分析(TEM)
5. 退火處理
第八章 利用IPVD發展無電鍍銅製程
8.簡介Ionized PVD
8.2 無電鍍銅製程
8.3 Ionized PVD的實驗設備
8.4 結果與討論
第九章 結論
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[8-4] 此篇材料製程分析資料來源為國科會計畫NSC 89-2218-E-007-060,主持人:施漢章老師,計畫參與人員:林建宏、謝維仁。
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