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研究生(外文):Irene M.-J. Liao
論文名稱(外文):A Carry-Select-Adder Optimization Technique for High-Performance Booth-Encoded Wallace-Tree Multipliers
指導教授(外文):Allen C.-H. Wu
外文關鍵詞:carry-select adderhigh-performance multupliers
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在這篇論文中, 我們提出了兩個在高效能布斯加密法瓦利氏樹乘法器(Booth-Encoded Wallace-Tree Multiplier)中進位選擇加法器(carry-select-adder)分配演算法, 一為branch-and-bound方法, 一為heuristic方法; 由於資料進入進位選擇加法器時間的不同, 我們將進位選擇加法器分為若干個加法器區塊, 以對乘法器的效能作最佳化. 我們使用我們所做的乘法器產生器產生了15個乘法器, 從實驗數據中可得知, 在不到1%的面積增加下, 可以有約9.2%的效能進步.

In this thesis, we present two carry-select adder partitioning algorithms for high-performance Booth-encoded Wallace-tree multipliers. By taking various data arrival times into account, we propose a branch-and-bound algorithm and a heuristic algorithm to partition an n-bit carry-select adder into a number of adder blocks such that the overall delay of the design is minimized. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm can achieve on an average 9.1% delay reduction with less than 1% of area overhead on 15 multipliers ranges from 16X16-bit to 64X64-bit.

List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Related Work
Chapter 3 : Overview of the Booth-Encoded Wallace Tree Multiplier
3.1 Multiplier Architecture
3.2 Partial Product Generator
3.2.1 A Modified Radix-4 Booth’s Algorithm
3.2.2 Sign-Pre-Calculation
3.3 The Partial-Product-Reduction Tree Structure
3.4 Carry-Select Adder
Chapter 4 : Problem Description
4.1 Delay Effect on Carry-Select Adder Partitioning
4.2 Problem Definition
Chapter 5 : The Carry-Select Adder Partitioning Algorithm
5.1 Branch-and-Bound Method
5.2 Heuristic Algorithm
Chapter 6 : Implementation and Experimental Results
6.1 Experiments on Branch-and-Bound Algorithm v.s. Heuristic Algorithm
6.2 Experiments on Our Proposed Heuristic Algorithm v.s. the CSA Partitioning Method Proposed by [6]
6.3 Experiments on the Multipliers Generated by Our Multiplier Generator
Chapter 7 : Conclusions and Future Work

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[6] Jalil Fadavi-Ardekani, Senior Member, IEEE, ”M*N Booth Encoded Multiplier Generator Using Optimized Wallace Trees” IEEE Transaction on VLSI System, Vol. 12, June 1993, P120-P125.
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