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研究生(外文):Jyh-Jye Lin
論文名稱(外文):On-Line Real Scaled Matching
指導教授(外文):Biing-Feng Wang
外文關鍵詞:String MatchingPattern MatchingScaled Pattern MatchingApproximate Pattern MatchingGeneralized Pattern Matching
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  令text T = t1 t2 …… tn和pattern P = p1 p2 …… pm代表兩個字串。『實數比例字串搜尋』是指找出所有P在T中出現的位置(含各種依照大於或等於1的實數比例放大的P字串)。
  『實數比例字串搜尋』是由電腦視訊處理所延伸出來的重要問題。在此之前,Amir [3] 等人已經提出了一個方法,可以在O(m + n) 的時間之內將這個問題解了出來。並且在同一篇論文之中,他們提出了一個延申的問題:我們可不可以把T先做一個處理,然後我們可以在O(m + tocc) 的時間之內找出所有字串P在字串T中有出現的位置(含各種依照大於或等於1的實數比例放大的P字串), 當中的tocc代表在T之中有多少個實數比例的P。這個問題我們稱之為『線上實數比例字串搜尋』。
  在這一篇碩士論文之中,我們對『線上實數比例字串搜尋』這個問題做了一些研究。從直覺上來看,因為這個問題可以接受任何大於或等於1的實數比例來放大,因此似乎可能有無限多種可能的pattern。如果真的有無限多種可能的pattern的話,則幾乎不可能存在一個演算法可以在多項式的時間之內把問題給解出來。很幸運地,在這一篇論文之中,我們證明了這樣的pattern最多只有O(n3)個。然後我們提供了一個方法,讓我們可以先花費O(n5)的時間來處理T之後,可以在O(m + tocc)的時間之內把在T之中所有實數比例的P的位置找出來。我們是第一個解答Amir這個問題的人。

  Let T = t1 t2 …… tn and P = p1 p2 …… pm be two strings. The pattern P matches T at position i if P is equal to the substring ti ti+1 ... ti+m—1. For any real number k ³ 1, let k × P denote the string obtained by proportionally enlarging P by a scale of k. We say that P real scaled matches T at position i if there exists a real scale k ³ 1 such that k × P matches T at position i. Moreover, we say that there is a real scaled occurrence of P in T at position I if P real scaled matches T at position i. The problem of real scaled matching refers to the finding of all real scaled occurrences of P in T.
  Real scaled matching is an important problem originally inspired by problems in the field of computer vision. Previously, Amir et al. efficiently solved it in O(m + n) time and asked the following open problem: “Can we efficiently preprocess T in a manner that will enable, upon inputting a pattern P, finding all real scaled occurrences of P in T in O(m + tocc) time, where tocc is the number of real scaled occurrences of P in T?” Such a problem is called the on-line real scaled matching.
  In this thesis, we study the on-line real scaled matching problem. Intuitively, since the scale k can be any real number ³ 1, it seems that there may be exponential patterns that can real scaled match T and thus impossible to have a polynomial-time preprocessing algorithm. Fortunately, in this thesis, we firstly derive a novel property from which we can conclude that there are at most O(n3) patterns that can real scaled match a given text T. Then, we give an O(n5)-time algorithm to preprocess T such that the finding of all real scaled occurrences of any pattern P can be done in O(m + tocc) time. Our result is the first solution to Amir et al.’s open problem.

Abstract ……………………………………………………………i
List of Figures …………………………………………………iv
List of Tables ……………………………………………………v
Chapter 1 Introduction …………………………………………1
Chapter 2 Preliminaries…………………………………………5
Chapter 3 Real Scaled Indexing Tree (RSIT) ………………8
  3.1 Digital Search Trees …………………………………8
  3.2 RSIT………………………………………………………10
  3.3 Upper Bound of the Size of RSIT …………………15
Chapter 4 Algorithms……………………………………………18
  4.1 Algorithm RSIT…………………………………………18
  4.2 Algorithm Search_the_Pattern………………………22
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work………………………24

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