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研究生(外文):Tian-Sheng Wu
論文名稱(外文):Volume Data Rendering and Compression
指導教授(外文):Shi-Nine Yang
外文關鍵詞:scientific visualizationvolume renderingisosurfacecompressionadaptiveMarching Cubes
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科學顯像的應用常含有大量資料,用來表示實驗或測量結果的數量或向量函數值,多維度容積資料的顯像有兩種主要的方法,稱為直接容積成像法和等值面法,兩種方法都含有處理大量資料檔,需要大量執行時間,因而妨礙了對談式的應用。在這篇論文中,我們針對容積資料顯像中的資料儲存、傳輸、和成像等問題提出解決的演算法,首先,我們研究 Marching Cubes (MC) 等值面的壓縮問題,並且提出一個幾何壓縮演算法以減少 MC 等值面建立的三角片資料所需的位元數目,我們所提出的演算法將每個三角片頂點依照它所在立方塊的索引、它所在立方塊邊的編號、以及它在邊上的相對位置加以編碼,再者,一個立方塊內各三角片頂點間的連接關係,是以立方塊頂點數值相較於等值面臨界值的正負號加以編碼,然後,我們將這個幾何壓縮演算法擴充到一個以八元樹為基礎的有適應性的降低精度 MC 等值面建構演算法,使用一個八元樹資料結構將多層級立方塊的索引加以編碼,使得三角片數目以及表示一個三角片所需的資料位元數目都同時減少,最後,我們提出一個新的方法以改良一個傳統的以光線投射為基礎的直接容積成像演算法,基本的構想是將一致性的概念納入於光線投射演算法的重新取樣程序,使得耗時的三角函數呼叫與矩陣相乘運算可以顯著地減少。

Applications in scientific visualization often involve extensive data sets, which represent scalar or vector valued functions resulting from experimental measurements. There are two major approaches for visualizing a set of multi-dimensional volume data, namely, the direct volume rendering (DVR) and the isosurface method. However, both approaches involve manipulating a large size of data files and usually require extensive execution time, which may disrupt interactive applications. In this study, we propose algorithms to cope with the storing, transmitting, and rendering problems in visualizing volume data. First, we study the compression problem of Marching Cubes (MC) isosurfaces, and introduce a geometry compression algorithm to reduce the number of bits of generated triangle data. The introduced algorithm encodes each triangle-vertex according to the index of its containing cube, the index of its containing cube-edge, and its relative position on the cube-edge. Furthermore, the connectivity among triangle-vertices in a cube is encoded by the signs of its vertices, computed by comparing their values to the isosurface threshold. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the introduced algorithm can achieve an excellent compression ratio. Then, we extend the geometry compression algorithm to an octree-based adaptive MC algorithm such that both the number of triangles and the number of bits required to represent a triangle can be reduced simultaneously. Finally, we propose a novel approach to improve a ray-casting based DVR algorithm. The basic idea of our approach is to incorporate the notion of coherence in the resampling process so that the time consuming invocations of trigonometric functions and matrix multiplication calculations can be reduced significantly.

第一章 序論
第二章 壓縮Marching Cubes演算法建構的等值面
第三章 壓縮有適應性的降低精度等值面
第四章 一個改良的光線投射容積顯像演算法
第五章 結論
List of Figurs
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Compressing isosurfaces generated with marching cubes
2.1 Overveiw
2.2 Encoding schemes and related tables
2.2.1 Cube-index encoding
2.2.2 Edge-index encoding
2.2.3 Vertex-coordinate encoding
2.3 Compression and decompression algorithms
2.3.1 compression algorithm
2.3.2 Decompression algorithm
2.4 Experimental results
2.5 Analysis
2.5.1 Volume size
2.5.2 Time complexity
2.6 Discussion
Chapter 3 Compressing adaptive isosurfaces
3.1 Related work
3.2 Ecoding schemes
3.2.1 Overveiw
3.2.2 Hierarchical cube-indexing
3.2.3 Edge-indexing
3.2.4 Linear-coordinate encoding
3.3 Algorithms
3.3.1 Compression algorithms
3.3.2 Decompression and isosurface reconstruction algorithms
3.4 Experimental results
3.5 Discussion
Chapter 4 An mproved ray-castng algorithm for volume visualization
4.1 Related work
4.2 Overview
4.3 Algorithm
4.3.1 Conventional ray-casting algorithm
4.3.2 The improved algorithm
4.4 Ray step sizes
4.5 Experimental results
4.6 Discussion
4.6.1 Equation derivations for ray step sizes
Chapter 5 Conclusion

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[58] Shi-Nine Yang and Tian-Sheng Wu, “Compressing isosurfaces generated with marching cubes,” Accepted for The Visual Computer journal.
[59] Shi-Nine Yang and Tian-Sheng Wu, “Compressing adaptive sosurfaces,” Submitted to the Computers & Graphics journal.
[60] Shi-Nine Yang and Tian-Sheng Wu, “An improved ray-casting algorithm for volume visualization,” Submitted to the SPIE 2002 Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA 2002), San Jose, California, 20-25 January, 2002.

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