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研究生(外文):Cha-Han Wang
論文名稱(外文):Study on cyclability and Stability of Ag-In-Sb-Te material base phase change disc
指導教授(外文):Prof. Huey-Liang Hwang
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然而Ag-In-Sb-Te材料系統被發現,其覆寫率僅有103 次明顯的較舊系統少了三個order。文獻中提出許多造成Ag-In-Sb-Te材料覆寫次數無法提高之原因,而我們針對在多次覆寫後,Te獨自相偏析出來的這個原因來改善。我們試著使用文獻中所提供的方式,在濺渡Ag-In-Sb-Te靶材時通入N2 ,使N與Te鍵結而形成Te-N bond,利用Te-N bond的束縛力使得Te難以獨自相偏析出,而達到我們所要求的目標。
更進一步的,我們不利用濺渡機內的RF Power來解離N2,而直接在Chamber外,就利用外加的Microwave將N2直接解離成為N原子,以增進Te與N之間鍵結的機會與效率。
我們利用DSC的結果配合 Kissinger equation 証明了加入Microwave 後使得記錄層的活化能增加約0.3~0.6 eV,以及利用相同厚度的FTIR吸收度結果來引証Te-N鍵的增加。於覆寫率的部份,我們也以四層結構為ZnS:SiO2 100nm / Ag-In-Sb-Te 200nm / ZnS:SiO2 180nm/ Al-Cr 100nm 的碟片來做動態測試, 也得到了Microwave 的方式較RF的方式高3倍覆寫率的結果。

Base on the repeatable、convenient、high storage capacity,and the low cost cause of the mass mass production,the phase change optic disc already become the major high storage capacity media, obviously. And recently, the DVD system was developed very fast,the high storage density was the major trend of the phase change optic disc.
The Ge-Sb-Te material system can’t follow this trend, this is also why we choose the Ag-In-Sb-Te material system.
But the Ag-In-Sb-Te material system was found the cyclability only have 103 times, evident that this system’s cyclability is lower than former system’s. According to literatures, the reason of cyclability can’t be promoted were very mush, and we aimed at the phase segregation of Te, to study how the improve this problem. We try to used the way whose address in literatures, when sputtering the Ag-In-Sb-Te target mixed the nitrogen gas, promoted the Te and N bond together. The fetter force would confine Te not to segregated self, to achieve our purpose.
More advance, we didn’t use the RF power in Sputter chamber to decompose nitrogen, we decompose the nitrogen molecule directly by microwave outside the chamber, attempt to decompose the nitrogen molecule become atomic nitrogen to promote the bonding probability and it’s efficiency.
We using the results of DSC analysis to operated by Kissinger equation to prove the method of Microwave enhance N2 atoms increase the activation energy of recroding layer approximately 0.3~0.6 eV, and the Absorbance results of FTIR measure to prove the Te-N bond increase. In cyclability, a four layer structure of the phase chage disc used in the analysis is polycarbonate substrate / ZnS:SiO2 100nm / Ag-In-Sb-Te 200nm / ZnS:SiO2 180nm/ Al-Cr 100nm. The results of the disc dynamic test also observe our Microwave enhance N2 atoms method was 3times than the RF enhance N2 molecule method at cyclability.

Abstract ( Chinese )
Abstract ( English )
Table of Contents Figures List
Tables List
Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1 Standard specifications of the compact disc
1.2 Standard specifications of the DVD
1.3 Compare with CD and DVD
1.4 Future phase change disc — HD-DVD
Ⅱ. Principles of phase change optical recording
2.1 The construct of Phase change
2.2 Development of phase change material
2.3 The phase change disc
2.4 Mechanism of phase change optical data storage
2.5 The summary of phase change process on Ag-In-Sb-Te material
Ⅲ. Some theories of the low cyclability of Ag-In-Sb-Te material
3.1 Sulfur diffusion.
3.2 Material flow
3.3 Te Segregation
3.4 Motivation
Ⅳ. Experiment
4.1 Experimental flow chart
4.2 Single layer growth
4.3 Thin film growth
4.4 Experimental equipment
Ⅴ. Results and Discussion
5.1 Compositional analysis
5.2 XRD analysis
5.3 Thermal analysis
5.4 FTIR analysis
5.5 Disk dynamic test
Ⅵ. Conclusions

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