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研究生(外文):Chih-Ming Wang
論文名稱(外文):Moving Object Extraction using Mosaic Technique and Tracking with Active Camera
指導教授(外文):Yung-Chang Chen
外文關鍵詞:segmentationmosaic imageactive cameratracking
  • 被引用被引用:1
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所提出的物件切割方法主要是利用背景相減法、型態運算子、區域成長法、適應性機制、樣版比對和一些自行定義的運算。而整個系統可以每秒處理15張 176 x 144 (QCIF) 的影像。
Growing interest arises in segmentation for object-based video clips since the development of MPEG-4 standard. The moving object extraction can also be applied to the object-based videoconference, surveillance, and so on. The difficulties of moving object segmentation are that physical objects are normally not homogeneous with respect to low-level features and it’s usually tough to segment them efficiently.
The previous related researches are only operated with a static camera and in a stationary background. In this thesis, we propose a robust and fast segmentation algorithm and a reliable tracking strategy without knowing the shape of the object in advance. The system can segment the foreground from the background and track the moving object with an active (pan-tilt zoom) camera such that the moving object always stays around the center of images. Especially, the system can work in an unrestricted environment without the need for special purpose hardware.
The proposed segmentation algorithm is based on the background subtraction, morphological operations, region growing, adaptive mechanism, template matching, and some innovative operations. The system can segment a moving object at 15 frames per second over a 176 x 144 pixel image.
Table of Contentsii
Chapter 1: Introduction1
1.1Moving Object Extraction1
1.3Thesis Organization2
Chapter 2: Construction of Mosaic Images3
2.1 Image Alignment4
2.2 Image Integration7
2.3 Mosaic Construction and Utilization in our System8
Chapter 3: Moving Object Extraction and Tracking13
3.1 Overview of the Proposed System14
3.2 Object Segmentation Based on Background Subtraction Method15
3.3 Tracking of Moving Object and Dynamic Segmentation23
3.3.1 Template Matching25
3.3.2 Detecting the Color of Skin27
3.3.3 Detection and Tracking of the Moving Object27
Chapter 4: Experimental Results29
4.1 Updating Background Model29
4.2 Object Extraction31
4.3 Detecting the Skin Color32
4.4 Tracking the Feature33
4.5 Template Matching34
Chapter 5: Summary and Future Work35
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