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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Chuan LIU
論文名稱(外文):The Image of Marital Violence of Educators in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ph. D Jeou-Shyan HORNG
外文關鍵詞:Marital ViolenceMarriageImage
  • 被引用被引用:18
  • 點閱點閱:364
  • 評分評分:
  • 下載下載:67
  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:5
In Taiwan, marital violence is a prevalent social problem with a long history. However, only until the law of family violence prevention (FVPL, 1998.6.24) passed did it receive emphasis and action from the public and the professional community. In the process of promoting the prevention of marital violence education in Taiwan, although the educational system is playing a major role in providing professional integrated services, many educators are somewhat confused about what specific measures to advocate. They are also confused about their own role when intervening in marital violent families. The lack of consensus doesn’t imply inability or loss of ability; not taking any definite action doesn’t mean indifference or emotionless. This study showed the process of how educators’ image of marriage is mediated during the treatment of marital violence from time to time. It also suggests that the educators’ images of marriage and marital violence need to be immediately clarified.
The purposes of this study were to: (1) understand and analyze the image of marriage and of marital violence among educators; (2) explore educators’ experience, professional ability and needs in treating marital violence.
The design of this study sought to achieve both qualitative and quantitative purposes, and is divided into two stages. The first stage is a sample survey, which randomly sampled 1,262 educators from kindergartens, elementary schools, and junior high schools. Of all the questionnaires sent out, 997 (80%) completed ones were collected and analyzed. The second stage consisted of survey interviews. 6 educators were purposefully selected and interviewed.
After data analysis, the major findings of this study are as follows:
1.Legal intervention is intended to promote equality and free will in a marriage, but not to bind or terminate marriage. We should put more emphasis on the rights in marriage rather than regulations and responsibilities.
2.Marriage is not a necessity in life. But for those who have children should safeguard their children’s rights while pursuing their own personal well-being.
3.Educators should help couples grow together through education. Couples should keep their families harmonious and take on the social responsibilities of marriage.
4.Educators tend to take the do-not-meddle-with-others’-family-affair position when encountering marital violence. They think that the administrative interference from the school and the conservative style of the school are two limitations in treating marital violence.
5.Educators don’t have enough professional competencies. There is a great gap in the resource network between urban and rural areas. It is anticipated that instead of the present professional division, professional workers need to embrace cooperation.
6.The inappropriate images of marital violence can be changed through the planning in basic education and promoting community’s efforts.
7.Educators tend to define marital violence as "violence behavior is abuser who harmed others’ rights."
8.Educators tend to interpret marital violence with negative and sympathetic images, but they are not pessimistic when dealing with it. They tend to think that education can help change violent behavior, and that positive results of the change can be anticipated.
9.Educators think that the problems of violent families base on the gender inequality. As to the analysis and interpretation of marital violent behavior, they tend to explain it as a learned behavior.
According to the above major findings, this study has discussed the image of marriage and marital violence, explored the Taiwan educators’ image of the above subjects and its influences, and researched the characteristics of peace-making and violence in the Chinese society. Clarifying certain values in the image of marital violence is the starting point of prevention education. It is also the solution to the present situation-only professional division without cooperation. Finally, the local studies on this topic were discussed and criticized and suggestions for future studies were provided.
第一章 緒論
第一節 問題的提出
第二節 研究的目的
第三節 研究的重要性
第四節 名詞界定
第二章 文獻的探討
第一節 婚姻意象
第二節 暴力意象
第三節 婚姻暴力意象
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究的方法
第二節 研究的對象
第三節 研究者角色
第四章 婚姻暴力意象的分析
第一節 教師處遇婚姻暴力經驗的分析
第二節 婚姻暴力意象(1st)的分析
第三節 婚姻暴力意象(2nd)的分析
第五章 婚姻暴力意象的論述
第一節 研究的主要發現
第二節 主要發現的討論
第三節 結論與建議
附錄一 人權版結婚證書
附錄二 婚姻暴力意象調查問卷
附錄三 訪談同意書與授權書
附錄四 婚姻暴力意象調查問卷專家效度名單
附錄五 1st資料分析統計表(表4-2-1至表4-7-10)
附錄六 訪談大綱
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