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研究生(外文):Liao, Chang-Rui
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Optimum Surimi Procesing Condition of Blue Shark ( Prionace glauce )
指導教授(外文):Q.Y. Cao
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為了開發鋸峰齒鮫作為煉製品加工用之原料,將已凍結貯藏二個月的鋸峰齒鮫分別在-20℃下經1、2、3、4、5、6個月凍藏,解凍後加工製成煉製品。測定其魚肉中鹽溶性蛋白量、鈣核苷三磷酸酶活性及總硫氫基和可反應硫氫基之含量變化情形以及進行煉製品膠強度、白度及品質之試驗。實驗結果顯示,隨著凍藏時間之增加,其鹽溶性蛋白量、鈣核苷三磷酸酶活性分別由62.31mg/g和74.77μmole pi/min/10g降至26.34mg/g及29.24μmole pi/min/10g,又總硫氫基與可反應硫氫基含量亦有隨之下降的現象。鋸峰齒鮫魚漿會隨著凝膠溫度及時間的增加蛋白酶比活性也會隨之增加。其煉製品最適成膠條件則為4℃,13小時魚肉膠強度達到最高值,151.5 g•cm,其曲折試驗可達A-B級。添加不同澱粉含量對魚漿製品膠強度的影響,發現以15%的馬鈴薯澱粉添加量時其膠強度可達最高值,曲折試驗可達A級。而冷凍變性抑制劑的保護試驗結果中發現蔗糖、山梨醇效果最為顯著。

In order to develope blue shark (Prionace glauca) as material for processing kamaboko, 2 months frozen storage fish was stored at -20℃ for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months, and then took out for thawing and processing into kamaboko. The salt soluble protein, Ca++-ATPase and protease activity, total-SH and reactive-SH of fish muscle were monitored. And the quality, gel-strength and whiteness, of kamaboko were also determined. From the results, it was found that the salt soluble protein and Ca++-ATPase activity were decressing with storage time extension, from 62.31 mg/g and 74.77μmole pi/min/10g to 26.34 mg/g and 29.24μmole pi/min/10g, respectively. The protease specific activity gradually increased as setting temperature increase and time extension. And the optimal gel-forming condition of fish meat was found setting at 4℃, 13 hurs; the gel strength of kamaboko reached to the best level, 151 g•cm, and its folding test was A-B grade at the same time. It was also found that 15% of potato starch was the optimal quantity for adding into fish paste to produce kamaboko, and the sucrose and sobitol were the best cryoprotectants of this fish.

目 錄
2.6.3 pH值的影響………………………………………………………11
2.7.2 Actomyosin-ATPase之熱失活…………………………………...12
3. 冷凍變性抑制劑……………………………………………………15

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