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研究生(外文):Luke Lin
論文名稱(外文):The study of temperature dependence of second harmonic generation in KTP/SiO2 by corona poling
指導教授(外文):Adam. Y. Wu
外文關鍵詞:KTPcorona polingSHG
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近年來鐵電物薄膜的應用研究特別受到注意,如積體光學 電光元件,波導倍頻器,光纖通訊…等應用上,都已經有很大的成果。由於這些鐵電物質都擁有很強的鐵電特性和極大非線性光學系數所以特別引人注目,而磷酸氧鈦鉀(KTiOPO4, KTP)正是屬於這種鐵電物質。
我們的薄膜採用射頻(rf)濺鍍薄膜生長法將KTP晶體沈積在SiO2基材上。然後使用銨石榴石(Nd:YAG)雷射當作入射光源,接著我們利用Maker fringes 的方法, 量測從薄膜產生的二次諧波(SHG), 並由分析所得的資料計算其二階非線性光學有效係數。
我們使用電暈極化法(corona poling)加強二階非線性光學係數,這種因電場誘發而提高非線性光學係數方法,也是提高轉換效率的一種有效方法。同時在實驗結果中發現,在高溫極化時,玻璃基版所產生的干涉現象將不可忽視,這些發現將在本論文中作深入的討論。

Recently, there have been much interests in ferroelectric thin films for various applications such as integrated optics, fiber optics, electro-optic modulation and wave-guide frequency doublers, because they possesses interesting properties such as remanent polarizations and have large nonlinear optical and electro-optical coefficients. KTP is one of such ferroelectrics.
The SHG of KTP thin films on SiO2 substrate were studied by using a Nd:YAG laser. The electric field was applied to the sample by using a corona poling method. The KTP thin film were sputter deposited on fused SiO2 substrate. We studied the observed Maker fringes and calculated the nonlinear optical coefficient .
From our experimental results, we found that there are new phase matching conditions and there are constructive or destructive interferences in the glass substrate at positive angles.
We found that the nonlinear optical coefficient in the KTP thin film sample increases as the poling field and temperature increase.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents………………………….…Ⅲ
Figure Captions………………………………VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1.Properties of KTiOPO4 (KTP) Single Crystal……………..2
1-2.About Glass……….……………………………………….5
1-3.The Objective and Method of Study………………………6
1-4.Overview of the Following Chapters……………………...6
Chapter 2 Theoretical Analysis………………8
2-1. Nonlinear Optical………………………………..…….……8
2-2. Dipole moment and Polarization…………………………....9
2-3. Principle of frequency Doubling………………………….10
2-4. The Electric Field Induced Second Harmonic Generation
2-5. Second Harmonic Generation in Ferroelectric Thin film by Corona poling..……………………………………………22
2-6.Maker Fringes.……………………………………………..23
2-7. Calculation for Values…………………………………..26
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedure………..30
3-1. Sample Preparation………………………………….…….30
3-2. Instruent.……………….………………………………….32
3-3. Beam Path………………………..…………………….….33
3-4. Measurement Conditions and Methods for Corona Poling
3-5. Measurement Procedures…………………………….……37
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion………...39
4-1. The Original Value in KTP Thin Film…………..….40
4-2. NLO Effect by Corona poling at Different Temperature
4-3. Experiment Results and Value on Various Temperature…..………………………………………….48
4-4. New Direction after Corona Poling……………………...51
Chapter 5 Conclusion…………………….52

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