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研究生(外文):Che-Jen Su
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Model of Interpersonal Influence Strategy in the Process of Organizational Buying Decision-Making
指導教授(外文):Kung-Mo KuoHenry J. Wu
外文關鍵詞:organizational buyinginfluence strategybase of powermanifest influence
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This article focuses on the use and the consequences of influence strategies in the process of organizational buying decision-making. Drawing on Frazier and Sumers’ typology, the author develops a conceptual framework and six LISREL models to analyze the dynamics of alternative influence strategies in intraorganizational settings─requests, information exchange, recommendations, promises, threats, and legalistic pleas. Besides, We argue that the use of a particular strategy by someone is likely to be related to two classes of antecedents: source and target characteristics, and the manifest influence of alternative strategies is likely to vary in predictable ways.
A field investigation of 208 organizational buying decisions suggests that most of the influence strategies discussed probably win compliance. Hypotheses stating the fits between bases of power and influence strategies used and other causalities were generally supported by the findings. This study not only provides us a more comprehensive and integrated framework to gain insights into the dynamics of dyadic interpersonal influence, but also suggests opportunities for more improved empirical research in the future.
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