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研究生(外文):Tony Chen
外文關鍵詞:Input/Output AnalysisLife Cycle AssessmentIron and Steel Industry
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近年來,「永續發展」與「環境友善」的概念日亦受到重視,人們一方面在顧及經濟發展的同時亦考量到環境的議題,許多有識之士不斷找尋合作解決問題的方法與工具,生命週期評估(Life Cycle Assessment)就是其中一種十分有系統性環境管理技術工具。
本研究以鋼鐵業為例,進行生命週期評估,將鋼鐵生命週期分為原料開採階段、原料運輸階段、生產階段及基本製品運輸階段。研究結果顯示每噸鋼產品共投入-煤:552煤公斤當量、石油:119公升、天然氣:2.73立方米以及電力:578度; 而研究中每噸鋼產品排放CO2:2738公斤、NOX:13.27公斤、N2O:2.73公斤以及SOX:4.35公斤。且本研究最後結果指出,無論在能源消費或環境負荷上,皆是以生產階段比例最高。
The concepts of sustainable development and “environmental friendliness” have lately become very important to government and industry. So we need efficient environmental tools to analysis and manage our environment in order to protect our environment. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of such the systematic tools that can provide us the information we need.
What we know the major strength of LCA is its comprehensiveness, but the foremost problem with LCA also is its comprehensiveness. We can’t easily set the boundaries . Different boundaries setting can produce qualitatively different results in the same problem. The study intend to use Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Analysis (EIO- LCA) model to solve the boundanry definition problem in LCA, and to estimate economy-wide and environmental discharges taking steel and iron sector as a case study.
There are four stages in steel life cycle in this research: material muck, material transportation , manufacture and product transportation. The results shows that we consume the energy of coal:552 kg, oil:119 kg, natural gas:2.73 m3 and electricity:578 wh per ton of iron and steel. With the energy used, there are also environmental emissions. They are CO2:2738kg, NOX:13.27kg, N2O:0.13kg and SOX:4.35kg when per ton of iron and steel has been produced . And the manufacture stage both contributes most in energy consumption and environmental emissions.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機與目的1
第二節 研究流程與論文架構3
第二章 文獻回顧4
第一節 投入產出分析4
第二節 生命週期評估7
第三章 投入產出分析應用於生命週期評估19
第一節 基本觀念19
第二節 數學模式20
第四章 應用實例探討28
第一節 鋼鐵業簡介28
第二節 鋼鐵業的生命週期35
第三節 評估流程與結果44
第五章 結論與建議69
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