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研究生(外文):Ming-Miin Yu
論文名稱(外文):A study on aircraft noise regulation and input congestion impact on the performance of the airports in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shou-Min Tsao
外文關鍵詞:undesirable outputaircraft noiseinput congestiondata envelopment analysis
  • 被引用被引用:41
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Airports have the production nature of utilizing multiple inputs to produce multiple outputs. In general, aircraft noise is one kind of by-product of airports. An efficiency index for assessing airport performance must reflect the property of multiple outputs containing aircraft noise, and identify future directions for improving performance. In fact, most currently available performance measures do treat multiple outputs by valuing goods and ignoring bads. Since little or no literature exists specific to the issue of airport performance evaluation concerning aircraft noise and input congestion, the main purpose of this study is to develop and implement a performance measure applicable in general multiple outputs setting in which production yields some outputs that are desirable outputs and others are not to explore how aircraft noise and input congestion influence airport performance.
In this study we apply Data Envelopment Analysis to assess the performance of airports, and investigate the influence of aircraft noise regulation and input congestion on airport performance by constructing input efficiency measure model, output efficiency measure model, and graph measure model in first stage. Furthermore, we utilize potential loss and distinction power index to evaluate which aircraft noise index is suitable for regulating purpose. In the second stage, we analyze the performance affecting factors by adopting Tobit regression to identify the variables, which affect airport performance.
In the subject of performance evaluation, the results show that, ignoring undesirable output aircraft noise increases both frequency and the degree of inefficiency, and distorts performance rankings. This confirms that airports facing relatively strict environmental controls will appear to have low productivity relative to those having relatively lax controls when comparisons are based on the conventional approach. From the point of selecting aircraft noise index, the airports encounter smaller potential loss when weak disability of exponential aircraft noise index is imposed in graph measure model. In the subject of Tobit regression analysis, the results show that, 1 percent change in congestion efficiency will lead to a 0.55 percent increase in airport performance. A and B airport category perform better than C significantly, and the time trend terms in this regression tell us, as time increasing, the better the airport''s performance, but at a decreasing rate.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究範圍與限制
1.4 研究方法與架構
1.5 研究內容與流程
第二章 機場績效評估之文獻回顧
2.1 財務比率分析法
2.2 多準則評估法
2.3 生產力及生產效率分析法
2.4 綜合評析
第三章 分析方法及評估架構
3.1 DEA之由來及效率分析的概念
3.2 生產技術結構
3.3 相對效率的衡量及假設條件
3.4 經營績效評估架構
第四章 無預設函數效率分析模式之建立
4.1 投入效率分析模式
4.2 產出效率分析模式
4.3 生產效率分析模式
4.4 總損失分析模式
第五章 實證研究
5.1 機場之營運特性分析
5.2 機場航空噪音污染量之衡量
5.3 資料來源及處理
5.4 實證結果分析
第六章 結論與建議
6.1 結論
6.2 建議
附錄 符號表
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