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研究生(外文):Chia-Ming Fan
論文名稱(外文):The Non-Singular Boundary Integral Equations Analysis to Some Engineering Problems
指導教授(外文):Der-Liang Young
外文關鍵詞:non-singular boundary integral equationLaplace equationPoisson equationHelmholtz equationmodified Helmholtz equationGauss flux theoremequal-potential theoryStokes flow
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In this study , the non-singular boundary integral equation method was used to circumvent the numerical singularity in traditional Boundary Element Method (BEM) . First of all , the non-singular boundary integral equations for the Laplace (Poisson) equation , the Helmholtz equation and the modified Helmholtz equation were derived by Gauss flux theorem and equal-potential theory . Then , the 2D Stokes flow of a circular cavity and a square cavity was computed by the velocity-vorticity formulation , the Biot-Savart law and the non-singular boundary integral equation for the Laplace equation . The velocity-vorticity formulation and the non-singular boundary integral equation for the modified Helmholtz equation are adopted to calculate the low Reynolds number flow field in a square cavity . In a square waveguide , the distributions of electromagnetic propagation for TE and TM modes were found by the non-singular boundary integral equation for the Helmholtz equation . All of the numerical simulations are compared with analytic solutions and other numerical results . The study shows that the non-singular boundary integral equations can get the most efficient and accurate results in solving some engineering problems associated with the governing equations of the Laplace , Poisson , Helmholtz , and modified Helmholtz equations .

1. Introduction................................................1
1.1 Motivations and Objectives..............................1
1.2 Literature Review.......................................2
1.3 Content of the Thesis...................................3
2. The Formulations of the Non-Singular Boundary Integral Equation.......................................................5
2.1 The Formulation of the NSBIE for the Laplace Equation...5
2.2 The Formulation of the NSBIE for the Helmholtz Equation.9
2.3 The Formulation of the NSBIE for the Modified Helmholtz Equation......................................................13
3. Analysis of Stokes Flow by the NSBIE for the Laplace Equation and the Biot-Savart Law..............................17
3.1 Governing Equations and Boundary Conditions............17
3.2 Numerical Procedures...................................20
3.3 Numerical Results and Comparisons......................21
4. Analysis of Low Reynolds Number Flow Field by the NSBIE for
the Modified Helmholtz Equation and the Laplace Equation......33
4.1 Governing Equations and Boundary Conditions............33
4.2 Numerical Procedures...................................35
4.3 Numerical Results and Comparisons .....................37
5. Analysis of the Electromagnetic Field by the NSBIE for the
Helmholtz Equation............................................50
5.1 Governing Equations and Boundary Conditions............50
5.2 Numerical Procedures...................................56
5.3 Numerical Results and Comparisons......................59
6. Conclusions and Recommendations............................86

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