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研究生(外文):Hsueh, Ju-Shan
論文名稱(外文):Data Mining Method Using Self-Organizing Map for Data Clustering and Information Extracting
指導教授(外文):Yang, Feng-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD)Data MiningArtificial Neural NetworkSelf-Organizing Map (SOM)cluster
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This thesis presents a data mining method that uses Self-Organizing Map to execute data clustering. Information extracting techniques for pattern search are used to analyze clustered data and to explore useful information. The goal of this research is to postulate the Self-Organizing Map for knowledge discovering in databases. The thesis defines several generic information patterns and data characteristics of the clustered data. This research presents a data coherence enhancement algorithm to intensify the resulting data groups. By gradually relaxing the data grouping restrictions, which is imposed by a data framing factor, data are grouped iteratively without losing useful information. To make information expression be more colloquial, a mapping mechanism is developed to change the data with various attributes into the ones that are easier comprehended. Ranks regarding to the data values are thus defined with an oral expression. Examples are tested to verify the presented data mining procedures. Results show that the method can effectively extract features of the clustered data. Results also show that the presented method is capable of extracting incomplete information and overcoming noise.
第一章 緒論...................................1
1.1 研究背景及動機.............................1
1.2 研究目的...................................2
1.3 研究範疇...................................3
1.4 研究方法及架構.............................4
1.5 章節概要...................................5
第二章 文獻探討...............................7
2.1 資料庫內的知識發掘.........................7
2.1.1 資料庫內的知識發掘的意義.................7
2.1.2 資料庫內的知識發掘的程序.................8
2.2 資料探勘..................................10
2.2.1 資料探勘的方法..........................10
2.2.2 資料探勘的技術..........................11
2.2.3 資料探勘的應用..........................13
第三章 類神經網路技術........................16
3.1 基本理論..................................16
3.1.1 基本名詞................................16
3.1.2 基本架構................................19
3.1.3 目前發展及應用..........................21
3.2 自組織映射網路............................21
3.2.1 特有名詞................................22
3.2.2 網路架構................................25
3.2.3 網路演算法..............................27
3.2.4 演算釋例................................29
第四章 以自組織映射網路為基的資料探勘流程.....33
4.1 資料探勘流程..............................33
4.2 資料前處理................................36
4.2.1 資料格式................................36
4.2.2 資料前處理流程..........................37
4.2.3 資料前處理釋例..........................38
4.3 資料群集劃分法則..........................40
4.3.1 分群門檻為基的群集劃分演算法............40
4.3.2 群集劃分釋例............................42
4.4 邊緣資料刪除法則..........................44
4.4.1 資料框聚係數............................45
4.4.2 群集強化演算法..........................46
4.4.3 群集強化釋例............................47
4.5 資料特徵表現法則..........................49
4.5.1 資料群集特徵值計算法....................49
4.5.2 特徵計算釋例............................50
4.6 歸屬等級對映法則..........................52
4.6.1 口語語詞表示法..........................52
4.6.2 歸屬等級對映演算法......................53
4.6.3 歸屬等級對映釋例........................55
4.7 資訊樣型比對法則..........................58
4.7.1 資訊樣型定義............................59
4.7.2 資訊樣型比對演算法......................62
4.7.3 資訊樣型比對釋例........................64
第五章 實例驗證及探討........................73
5.1 驗證資料..................................73
5.2 實例資料..................................88
第六章 結論與未來展望........................94
6.1 總結......................................94
6.2 未來展望..................................94
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