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研究生(外文):Yu-Hua Chen
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Studies of Mononuclear, Dinuclear and Heptanuclear Metal Complexes with the Tetrapyridyltriamine (TeptraH3) Ligand
指導教授(外文):Shie-Ming Peng
外文關鍵詞:tetrapyridyltriamine ligandmononuclear metal complexesheptanuclear metal complexesall-anti formall-syn formsyn-syn-anti-anti-syn-syn form
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本論文之研究主題為利用自行合成的四■啶三胺(tetra- pyridyltriamine:teptraH3)配基,與過渡金屬鹽類在不同的條件下反應,可得到配基以三種不同的配位形式與金屬鍵結的錯合物。
配基(teptraH3)以全反式(all-anti form)的配位構型經由■啶環的氮原子與過渡金屬離子鍵結之後,可得到單核金屬錯合物,此時配基是以四芽基的形式與金屬鍵結,而此一系列的金屬錯合物又因為金屬的配位特性,可有四配位(Cu2+、Pd2+、Pt2+)、五配位(Co2+、Zn2+)及六配位(Mn2+、Fe2+、Co2+、Ni2+)的錯合物,這些錯合物可利用簡單的方法被合成,並已經由X光結構解析確認其結構,透過結構分析,發現具有相同晶體結構的六配位八面體單核錯合物中,金屬與配基的鍵長有隨著d電子數目增加而縮短的趨勢。
配基(teptraH3)在脫除了三個胺基(amine)上的氫之後,配基為負三價的七芽陰離子(teptra3-),從而利用四個■啶環上之氮原子及三個胺基(amido),以全順式(all-syn form)的架橋配位構型與七個金屬離子(Cr2+及Ni2+)作用並產生鍵結,而形成直線型七核金屬串錯合物-[M7(teptra)4X2],這些錯合物經由X光結構解析確認其結構,發現金屬串以近乎直線排列,四個配基上的氮全和金屬配位並以螺旋狀環繞著金屬串,金屬串的兩端都具有軸向配基(axial ligand),軸向位置可被不同配位能力的配基所取代進而可利用軸向配基的特性,進行許多研究,不同的金屬串,金屬與金屬間可以分成有金屬-金屬鍵(鉻)和沒有金屬-金屬鍵(鎳)兩種。
This thesis concerns the preparation of tetrapyridyltriamine (teptraH3) ligand, and the coordination chemistry of the teptraH3 with transition metal ions. We can get three types of bonding modes.
The all-anti form teptraH3 can act as a tetradentate ligand binding with the transition metal ions through the nitrogen atoms of pyridine moieties. The mononuclear metal complexes can be synthesized by a conventional method. Three types of metal complexes of four coordination (M = Cu2+, Pd2+, Pt2+), five coordination (M = Co2+, Zn2+), and six coordination (M = Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+) can be obtained, and characterized by X-ray crystallographic. From X-ray structural analyses, we find that the octahedral mononuclear metal complexes are isostructural, and the bond distances decreases as the d electrons increasing from d5 to d8.
After deprotonation, the all-syn form teptra3- acts as a heptadentate ligand, and it can bind with seven chromium(II) or nickel(II) ions through the nitrogen atoms of the ligand to form heptanuclear metal complexes. The heptanuclear metal complexes are characterized by X-ray crystallographic. From X-ray structural analyses, we find that the heptanuclear metal chain unit is almost linear, and terminated by the two axial ligands. The heptanuclear linear metal chain is helically wrapped by four teptra3- ligands. For the chromium(II) complexes, there exists metal-metal bonding between two metals, but for the nickel(II) complexes , there is not.
When displacement the axial ligand in the heptanuclear chromium complex-[Cr7(teptra)4Cl2], we get a new bonding type of the ligand. From X-ray structural analyses, the syn-syn-anti-anti-syn-syn form teptraH2- acts as a hexadentate ligand and binding with two chromium(III) ions to form dinuclear metal complexes-[Cr2(teptraH)2](X)2. The metal ions are octahedral geometry and no bonding exists between two chromium(III) ions. The M-Namido bond distances are shorter than the M-Npyridine bond distances.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
第一章:緒論 1
1-1金屬-金屬鍵結理論 2
1-2配基簡介 16
1-3研究方向 43
第二章:實驗部分 44
2-1試藥與儀器 44
2-2實驗步驟 47
2-2.1配基的合成 47
2-2.2多核金屬錯合物的合成 50
2-2.3單核金屬錯合物的合成 57
2-3晶體數據之收集與處理 65
第三章:結果與討論 75
3-1七氮配基之過渡金屬錯合物 75
3-1.1單核過渡金屬錯合物之合成 75
3-1.2單核過渡金屬錯合物之結構解析 78
3-1.3七核過渡金屬串錯合物之合成 87
3-1.4七核過渡金屬串錯合物之結構解析 92
3-2磁性量測與分析 112
3-2.1磁性量測 112
3-2.2磁性分析 113
3-3電子吸收光譜 124
3-3.1單核金屬錯合物 125
3-3.2直線型過渡金屬串錯合物 128
3-4光譜電化學分析 134
第四章:總結 146
參考文獻 148
IR及FAB / Mass光譜 152
UV/Vis.光譜 176
NMR光譜 185
晶體參數及ORTEP圖 188
固態磁性數據 265
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