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研究生(外文):Shu-Mei Tsan
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Two-Dimensional Micro-Lattice in Lithium Niobate
指導教授(外文):Way-Seen Wang
外文關鍵詞:lithium niobatePPLNdomain inversion2D Micro-Latticealuminum oxide
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This dissertation is organized into two parts: (i) the theory of two-dimension (2D) micro-lattice in lithium niobate, and (ii) the fabrication of periodically poled 2D-microstructure in 500μm thick bulk lithium niobate (2D-PPLN).
In the theory section, we extend the use of 1D quasi-phase matched (QPM) condition to 2D. Advantages of the 2D micro-lattice and structures in the application of second harmonic generation (SHG) and multi-wavelength conversion will be discussed.
In the process section, two methods of fabricating the 2D structures are studied. The first method is composed of lithium out-diffusion followed by high electric field poling. The side-wise inverted domain motion process can thus be effectively suppressed by using heat treatment. By doing so, 2D structures with shape such as chessboard-like cylinder, donut-like cylinder, and arbitrary shapes can be realized with dimension as small as 7.5μm. For the second method, we have successfully used the conductivity difference in the annealed bi-metal electrodes to fabricate the 2D micro-lattice with a lattice parameter as short as 3.3μm.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………1
1-1 研究動機…………………………………………1
1-2 非線性材料之比較與選擇………………………………3
1-3 鈮酸鋰之基本特性……………………………………………4
1-3-1 鈮酸鋰之晶格結構………………………………………....4
1-3-2 鈮酸鋰之折射率……………………………………………..5
1-3-3 鈮酸鋰之反轉機制………………….…………………………7
1-4 週期性區域反轉之製作方式…………………………10
1-4-1 高溫處理法…………………………………………………….10
1-4-2 電子束掃描法…………………………………………………12
1-4-3 層狀結構長晶法……………………………………………..12
1-4-4 高電壓電場極化反轉法…………………………………….12
1-4-5 混合區域反轉法………………………………………………14
1-5 二維特殊晶格結構製造之沿革………………………14
1-6 論文內容概述………………………………………………17
第二章 基本理論與設計原理……………………18
2-1 一維空間之準相位匹配…………………………………18
2-1-1 相位匹配……………………………………………………….18
2-1-2 準相位匹配…………………………………………………….21
2-2 二維空間之準相位匹配……………………………………25
2-2-1 準相位匹配週期………………………………………………25
2-2-2 非線性準相位匹配之布拉格散射條件……………….28
2-2-3 二維QPM晶格之應用……………………………….…30
第三章 特殊極化方向分布之製作與分析……32
3-1 高電壓反轉法之實驗架設……………………………33
3-1-1 電極的選取與製作…………………………………….…33
3-1-2 高電壓反轉之實驗架設…………………………………35
3-1-3 基座之選擇……………………………………………….…37
3-1-4 O形環對高電壓反轉法的影響………………………38
3-1-5 反轉電壓與電流的選擇………………………………....40
3-2 鋰外擴散與高電壓混合區域反轉法………………42
3-2-1 製作流程簡介………………………………………….…42
3-2-2 第一階段--高溫致鋰外擴散之區域反轉………….…42
3-2-3 第二階段--高電壓區域反轉……………………………43
3-2-4 結果與分析…………………………………………………..46
3-2-5 結論…………………………………………………………….51
3-3 氧化層當絕緣層之高電壓反轉法……………………53
3-3-1 製作流程簡介………………………………………………53
3-3-2 電極與絕緣層的選擇………………………………………55
3-3-3 結果與分析……………………………………………..…58
3-3-4 結論…………………………………………………………...62
第四章 結論與未來展望…………………………63
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