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研究生(外文):I-Chen Sung
論文名稱(外文):Adam Myth and Evil─Starting From《 The Symbolism of Evil 》of Ricoeur
指導教授(外文):Wing-Chung Kwan
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本論文第一部份便依照《惡的象徵》的方法,對惡的初級、次級象徵作出詮釋,而在第二部份針對亞當這個人類學神話做更進一步的探討,並作出結論。在第一部份,惡的初級象徵還可再區分為褻瀆、罪和罪惡感三種類型的告白;而惡的神話則以巴比倫的創世神話Enuma Elish、希臘的悲劇神話、希伯來的亞當神話,以及希臘的奧爾菲(Orphic)神話為代表來作為詮釋的對象。在第二部份,則列舉歷史、傳奇和神話三種對亞當故事的看法,希望藉由多方的詮釋觀點來獲得對亞當故事更豐富的理解;並將以亞當神話作為詮釋的中心,和其他三種神話的詮釋做會通和補充,以其窺探罪惡更完整的面貌。在論文的最後,將交代亞當作為一位神話人物對我的意義。
Written texts about evil are often presented in symbolic ways that can be divided into three main categories, namely, confession of evil, myth about evil, and speculative theology concerning evil. Confession of evil, as the most basic form, is abundantly rich in emotional and symbolic imagery. Speculative theology on evil, on the other hand, contains the most fully developed form of exposition as far as speculation is concerned. Whereas, myth occupying the middle position, evolves from simple confession and then becomes the source of inspiration for speculative theology. In his book The Symbolism of Evil, Ricoeur explains the first and second orders of the symbolism of evil, while the third order is left unexplained.
In the first part of this essay, we will reflect on the main points as presented in The Symbolism of Evil. The first order of the symbolism of evil with its three types of confession, i.e., defilement, sin, and guilt, will be studied, while four myths about evil, i.e., the Babylonian creation myth(Enuma Elish), the myth in Greek tragedy, the Hebrew myth of Adam, and the Greek Orphic myth will be discussed through hermeneutical analysis. Then, in the second part of our dissertation, we will focus our attention on the anthropological myth of Adam’s Fall. The historical, legendary, and mythological aspects of the story of Adam will be discussed. In order to get a more comprehensive understanding, the author will place Adam’s myth as the center of our concern while attempting to draw further ideas as supplements from the Babylonian Enuma Elish, the Greek tragic heroes, and the Greek Orphic myth. At the end of this paper, the author will explicate the meaning of Adam as a mythical character, and will try to highlight the importance of the benefits gained through the above studies for the life of the author herself.
Key Words: evil, symbol, defilement, sin, guilt, myth, history, legend, folktale

1. 研究動機
2. 呂格爾對惡的研究進程:從惡的可能性到惡的實在性
3. 本論文的研究程序
第一部份 惡的實在性
第一章 認識惡的方法
I. 從惡的現象出發
II. 以象徵作為詮釋的方法
A. 象徵的意義和結構
B. 象徵的三層級:惡的告白、神話、思辯的神學概念
C. 取材的側重與方法上的限制
第二章 惡的實在性
I. 惡的初級象徵
A. 褻瀆
B. 罪
C. 罪惡感
D. 以奴隸意志概括初級象徵
II. 惡的次級象徵──神話
A. 神話的象徵功能
1. 從初級、次級、三級象徵的差異,談神話的象徵功能
2. 神話的類型─關於惡的起源和終結之神話
B. 神話靜力學
1. 巴比倫創世神話
2. 希臘悲劇神話
3. 希臘奧爾菲神話
第二部份 亞當神話
第一章 亞當的故事始末
I. 《聖經》中的記載
II. Midrash中的記載
III. 各區相關神話比較
第二章 創世記二4∼三24的分類──亞當的墮落與我的墮落
I. 神話、歷史與傳說
A. 神話的意義
B. 神話與歷史
C. 神話、傳說與民間故事
II. 歷史的亞當──呈現歷史
A. 墮落實在論
B. 墮落代表論
III. 傳說的亞當──表現趣味
IV. 神話的亞當──傳達信念
A. 呂格爾的看法
V. 亞當為神話
第三部份 以亞當神話作為詮釋惡的基礎
第一章 神話的動力學詮釋
I. 亞當神話的悲劇性格
II. 亞當神話對混沌神話的吸納
III. 亞當神話與放逐神話的會通
第二章 亞當神話對我的意義
I. 真實的問題
II. 罪的詮釋
III. 與科學的衝突
IV. 亞當與基督
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