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研究生(外文):Yang Ming Der
論文名稱(外文):Atmospheric Pb-210 Flux in Metropolitan Taipei, Taiwan
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台北市大氣Pb-210沈降通量每天的變化非常之大。根據分析結果,Pb-210大氣沈降通量和雨水中各離子濃度間並沒有很好的關係,但Pb-210沈降通量卻和降雨量有很好的相關性。1998年台北地區Pb-210平均沈降通量為1.5 dpm/cm2/yr,並有明顯的季節性變化,最大值發生在春季。春季的最大值是東亞沙塵暴經由東北季風所帶來的懸浮顆粒影響。台北地區空氣污染相當明顯,雨水的酸度主要由硫酸所影響。台北地區雨水成分,主要受本地及大陸所帶來的陸源性物質的影響,海洋性的影響比較小,而颱風所帶來的海洋性影響雖然短暫,卻是影響最大的。

Daily precipitation including dry and wet precipitation, were collected at the center of metropolitan Taipei during 1998. Chemical analyse including pH, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, PO43-, SiO44- and Pb-210 were carried out on precipitation samples.
The atmospheric Pb-210 flux were highly variable on daily basis in Taipei. There was not evident correlation between Pb-210 fluxes and ionic concentrations in rainwater, however, a tight correlation between Pb-210 flux and precipitation rate was found during 1998. The mean annual flux of Pb-210 is about 1.5 dpm/cm2/yr in Taipei, Taiwan. Seasonal variation of Pb-210 flux is obvious with maximal fluxes in spring. Main factor controlling the flux of Pb-210 in spring is the Asia dust (KOSA). Acid rain caused by elevated sulfate concentration in the air which was originated from local sources was observed. Compositions of rainwater collected in metropolitan Taipei are mainly controlled by terrestrial input from Asia continent. However, marine contribution to the composition of rainwater during typhoon season is the most significant phenomenon in the area.

第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1
1-1 大氣懸浮顆粒沈降通量………………………………………………1
1-2 空氣中的天然放射核種Pb-210………………………………………2
1-3 東亞沙塵暴…………………………………………………………………….3
1-4 Pb-210沈降通量對Pb-210海洋生地化循環作用的重要性……………….4
1-5 研究動機及目的……………………………………………………………….5
第二章 分析方法……………………………………………………………………6
2-1 採樣…………………………………………………………………………….6
2-1-1 採樣儀器………………………………………………………………….6
2-1-2 採樣方法………………………………………………………………….6
2-2 前處理…………………………………………………………………………7
2-2-1 直徑20cm雨量計樣品….………………………………………………..7
2-2-2 直徑28cm集雨裝置樣品………………………………………………...8
2-3 雨水樣品分析………………………………………………………………...8
2-3-1 陰離子Cl-及SO42- 分析…………………………………………..……...8
2-3-2 陽離子Na+、Mg2+、K+及Ca2+分析………………………………………8
2-3-3 NO3-、NO2-、PO43-及SiO22-分析…………………………….………10
2-3-4 Pb-210樣水分析……………………………………………..…………10
2-4 Pb-210放射活度計算………………………………………………………11
第三章 結果與討論…………………………………………………………………13
3-2 Pb-210沈降通量…...…………………………………………………….….15
3-2-1 雨水中Pb-210的活度變化……………………………………………..15
3-2-2 雨水中Pb-210的沈降通量變化………………………………………..17
3-2-2-1 Pb-210年平均沈降通量……………………………………….....18
3-2-2-2 Pb-210月平均沈降通量………………………………………….18
3-2-2-3 Pb-210週平均沈降通量………………………………………….21
3-3 各離子沈降通量之季節性變化……………………………………………...24
3-3-1 海洋因子Na+ 、Cl- 及Mg2+……………………………………………24
3-3-2 陸地因子 K+、Ca2+、SiO44-、PO43-…………………………………….27
3-3-3 酸性因子SO42-、NO3-及H+…………………………………………..30
3-3-3-1 SO42-……………………………………………………………….30
3-3-3-2 NO3-………………………………………………………………..31
3-3-3-3 pH值…...………………………………………………………….36
3-3-3-4 SO42-、NO3- 對雨水酸度的相對重要性………………………….36
3-3-4 陰陽離子平衡………………………………………………………….37
3-4 東亞沙塵暴經由大氣長程輸送到台北地區………………………………...38
3-4-1 沙塵暴的成因……………………………...……………………………40
3-4-2 沙塵暴的長程輸送……………………………………………………...40
3-4-3 沙塵爆對台北地區上空 的影響………………………………….41
3-4-4 降雨對 及Pb-210沈降通量變化之影響…….……………………42
3-4-5 東亞沙塵暴影響台北地區的Pb-210沈降通量………………………...42
第四章 結論與未來研究方向………………………………………………………44
4-1 結論…………………………………………………………………………..44
4-2 未來的研究方向……………………………………………………………..45
附錄一:雨水中各離子之參數表…………………………...……………………… 51

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