Abstract With the implementation of Communism, Mainland China (PRC) has gone through Land Reform, Three Red Flags, and Cultural Revolution. All these historical disasters caused a generally poor society. Ever since 1978, the government put “Four Modernization” into practice, try to urge the reform of its system. The reforms carried out helped the growth of economy significantly. GDP has increased from RMB 362.4 billion in 1978 to RMB8,191.09 billion in 1999; Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households has increased from RMB133.6 to RMB2,210.3; Per Capita Annual Income of Urban Households has increased from RMB343.4 to RMB5,854. Though the income increased, yet how the distribution likes is the emphasis of this thesis. The study tried to analyze problems caused by these gaps from different points of view. The area of Mainland Chinese territory is huge,-- natural difference, cultural difference, and economic difference are various with its local developments. Per Capita GDP Relative Disparity among East, Midland, East has enlarged 1.8 times since 1985; and has even increased to 2.43 times in 1999. Per Capita GDP Relative Disparity among Northern Coast, Eastern Coast, Southern Coast, Northern Hinterland, Central Hinterland, Southern Hinterland, Far West has increased from 2.53 times in 1985 to 3.73 times in 1999; and the Absolute Disparity has enlarged from RMB813 to RMB9,511. To classify from economy aspect, numbers of high-income and low-income provinces both increased, but numbers of mid-income provinces decreased. This proves that the distribution is not average nor balanced. Furthermore Per Capita NI and Per Capita GDP among the 30 provinces continuously increasing in both Relative Disparity and Absolute Disparity. In 1999 Relative Disparity has reached 12.45 times and the Absolute Disparity has even hit RMB28,330; also the Relative Disparity Coefficient was 88.80%. No matter how we define the area, the differences/gaps are increasing without stopping. From 1980 to 1990, top five provinces of Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households are Zhejian, Fujian, Shanghai, Beijing, and Jiangsu. From 1991 to 1999, top five growth rate provinces of Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households are Anhui, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Hebei, and Fujian. In contrast, From 1980 to 1990, Gansu and Yunnan had tiny growth; and from 1991 to 1999, Yunnan, Zinjiang and Tibet had the lowest growth. As to Per Capita Annual Net Income of Urban Households, between 1991 and 1999, Beijing and Shanghai had the highest growth whereas Ningxia had the lowest growth. From 1980 to 1990 Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households appeared to increase continuously, the Relative Disparity Coefficient has raised from 29.95% to 44.29%; Relative Disparity gained from 2.79 times to 4.17 times. It hit the highest in 1993, Relative Disparity Coefficient was 51.69%; Relative Disparity was 4.95 times; and between 1994 and 1997 there are fewer changes. In 1999 the Relative Disparity Coefficient was 43.76% and Relative Disparity was 4.13 times, it’s around the same level of 1990. From 1991 to 1999 Per Capita Annual Net Income of Urban Households appeared to have minor changes, in 1991 the Relative Disparity Coefficient was 20.31%, Relative Disparity was 2.17 times; whereas in 1993 the Relative Disparity Coefficient was 27%, Relative Disparity was 2.45 times, and then remain around the same level in the following 6 years. Compare the province of highest Per Capita Annual Net Income of Urban Households with the province of lowest Per Capita Annual Net Income of Rural Households, the relative disparity has increased from 7.46 times in 1991 to 8.35 times in 1999, this change was not big. Yet it is worthy to mention that if we use province as a unit, and compare the differences of Per Capita GDP, the whole country’s Urban vs. Rural gap hit 59.47 times. With regard to the distribution of Personal Income, the Gini Coefficient of Urban Households has increased from 0.1803 in 1990 to 0.2371 in 1999. Provinces were increasing except Xinjiang which was decreasing; the Gini Coefficient of Rural Households had minor changes — from 0.3039 in 1980 and went back to 0.3039 again in 1999. Basically the Gini Coefficient of urban households (except in Xinjiang) appeared to increase, whereas there were very different in rural households. The decimal gap of the whole country’s urban households increased from 3.11 times in 1990 to 4.59 times in 1999, highest are Xinjiang with 5.8 times and Tibet 6.12 times. As to the country’s rural households, due to the limitation of data available, can not execute precise decimal analysis but a rough estimation. The whole country’s difference is around 5.5 times in 1980 and 7.33 times in 1999. As a result of the analysis, the gap between urban households and rural households didn’t enlarge significantly. Regarding Personal Income, the differences within urban households are increasing yet rural households had minor changes only. How to balance the developments and improve the differences is the most important issue now. In Tenth Five Year Plan of Mainland China for West Development and water conservancy project are all designed to balance area developments. Yet to what extent these can be put into effect will be the key factor.