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研究生(外文):Hsin-Huei Liu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst Mycorrhizal Systems on the Interception and Absorption Ability of Cadmium
指導教授(外文):Hung-Tao Hu
外文關鍵詞:CadmiumCyclobalanopsis glaucaEctomycorrhizal
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本研究以龜紋硬皮馬勃之孢子粉接種青剛櫟苗使形成外生菌根,並與未接種者栽培1.5年後,再連同未種植苗木之相同介質,經0、10、20、40及80 ppm之鎘溶液施用500及600 ml後,比較其對鎘之截留與苗木吸收鎘之能力。
未接種苗木處理中,不同濃度鎘施用量與地上部Cd(r=0.875)、Na(r=0.602)之含量呈極顯著正相關(p<0.01),但地上部其他元素受鎘濃度處理之影響多不顯著(p>0.05) 。苗木地上部鎘吸收量與地上部N(r=0.488)、Na(r=0.691)、Cu(r=0.449)等養分元素濃度間呈顯著正相關(p<0.05)。
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal seedlings on the interception and absorption ability of cadmium. 0, 10, 20, 40, and 80 ppm cadmium (Cd) (as CdCl2.2.5H2O solution) was added to dibbling tubes which grew 1.5-year-old mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst seedlings. During this study, total 500 or 600 ml cadmium chloride solution was added. The same amount of cadmium chloride solution was also added to the dibbling tubes which contained the artificial soil only.
The results showed that the content of Cd in shoot was not significantly different (p>0.05) between inoculated seedlings and uninoculated seedlings, but the amount of Cd in leaching solution could be reduced by inoculated seedlings. The application of different Cd concentrations would significantly affect (p<0.05) the amount of Cd in leaching solution.
The applied concentration of Cd was significantly positive related (p<0.01) with amounts of Cd (r=0.875) and sodium (Na) (r=0.602) of shoot of uninoculated seedlings, but there was no significant relation with other elements. The Cd content of shoot of seedlings was significantly positively related (p<0.05) with amounts of nitrogen (N) (r=0.488), Na (r=0.691) and copper (Cu) (r=0.449).
The applied concentration of Cd was significantly positively related (p<0.01) with amounts of Cd (r=0.681), N (r=0.576) and Na (r=0.691) of shoot of inoculated seedlings, and was significantly negatively related (p<0.05) with amounts of iron (Fe) (r=0.681). The Cd content of shoot of seedlings was significantly positively related (p<0.05) only with amounts of Na (p<0.01; r=0.507).
It was approved that the high concentration of Cd at 40 and 80 ppm would be harmful to the mycorrhizal development and the fungus mantle became yellowish brown.
摘 要----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
目 錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅳ
一、前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
二、前人研究------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
(二)施鎘量500 ml經第一次淋洗之淋洗液分析-----------------------19
(三)施鎘量600 ml經第一次淋洗之淋洗液分析-----------------------21
(四)施鎘量600 ml經第二次淋洗之淋洗液分析-----------------------22
表2不同接種處理其施鎘量達500 ml後,經第一次淋洗之淋洗液中鎘含量分析結果-------------------------------------------------------------------------20
表3不同接種處理其施鎘量達600 ml後,經第一次淋洗之淋洗液中鎘含量分析結果------------------------------------------------------------------------21
表4不同接種處理其施鎘量達600 ml後,經第二次淋洗之淋洗液中鎘含量分析結果-------------------------------------------------------------------------23
表13接種與未接種青剛櫟苗經鎘不同濃度施用600 ml後,地上部N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Na、Fe、Cu之濃度---------------------------------------------------30
圖1龜紋硬皮馬勃子實體之外觀--------------------------------------------------- 3
圖7青剛櫟菌根在40 ppm鎘處理受毒害的情形---------------------------50
圖8青剛櫟菌根在80 ppm鎘處理受毒害的情形---------------------------51
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