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研究生(外文):Chiang, Hsu Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study on the Relationship between Public Opinion and the Policy-Making Process of Kuan-Du Park in Taipei
指導教授(外文):Zheng, Chinlong
外文關鍵詞:incrementalismpolicy communicationcontent analysisnature resource policynature conservationKuan-Du
  • 被引用被引用:12
  • 點閱點閱:400
  • 評分評分:
  • 下載下載:104
  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:1
This thesis was to study the process of policy-making for setting the Kuan-Du Nature Park in Taipei. The concept of Incrementalism that “the democratic politics possess certain intelligence-enhancing processes and strategies” enlightened the study. To investigate the implication of policy and its relationship with the society of the study case, the related texts of newspapers were analyzed by content analysis.
There were two types of information related to agenda building in the study, one was policy-oriented and the other was resource-oriented. The information generated from political process was a driving force for setting public policy. The study discussed the policy process of this case and its embeddedness of social structure from three aspects: relationship between the information and the power, relationship among policy-clients and communication of policy.
This thesis had three conclusions. Firstly, the information channel was decentralized significantly and was used more efficiently after 1994, the election year of Taipei mayor. Persuasion and communication, the effective strategies of conditioned power in current societies, were the important logic in policy-making process in the future. Secondly, through policy-oriented and resource-oriented issues, various demands of policy-clients reflected the value and the fact of information in their mind. Client-oriented decision model finally became the common language of governmental agencies, non-governmental and foreign organizations. Thirdly, the information generated from the process would accelerate the learning effect of usable knowledge if public policy had been based on interaction in the democratic system. The interactive model of political communication was the best communication skill among client groups and by that could enrich the values of nature resources policy.
Keywords: Incrementalism, policy communication, content analysis, nature resource policy, nature conservation, Kuan-Du.
第一章、緒論 ------------------------------------------------ 01
一、研究背景與目的 ------------------------------------------ 01
二、研究問題 ------------------------------------------------ 02
三、研究方法與研究範疇 -------------------------------------- 02
第二章、文獻回顧 -------------------------------------------- 06
一、資訊與公共政策分析 -------------------------------------- 06
二、政策溝通理論的研究 -------------------------------------- 12
三、內容分析法相關文獻與研究 -------------------------------- 16
第三章、理論與分析架構 -------------------------------------- 19
一、溝通理論與漸進主義 -------------------------------------- 19
二、組織與權力思考的邏輯 ------------------------------------ 23
三、小結 ---------------------------------------------------- 25
第四章、關渡自然公園個案研究 -------------------------------- 28
一、關渡自然公園背景簡介 ------------------------------------ 29
二、關渡地區自然資源之蘊藏與開發緣起 ------------------------ 31
三、消息來源與議題設定量化分析 ------------------------------ 35
四、議題資訊與權力行使 -------------------------------------- 48
五、政治與制度的變遷 ---------------------------------------- 68
六、公共政策的意涵 ------------------------------------------ 73
第五章、結論與建議 ------------------------------------------ 78
第六章、參考文獻與附錄 -------------------------------------- 82
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