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研究生(外文):Tsau, Huei-Shian
論文名稱(外文):Uptake of Formaldehyde by Indoor Plants and Their Response to This Pollutant.
指導教授(外文):En-Jang Sun
外文關鍵詞:formaldehydeindoor plantsflux densitydeposition velocitystomatapollutantuptakeabsorption
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利用體積2公升之小型熏氣箱系統,測試十一種常見之室內植物對甲醛濃度17.61±0.84ppm吸收之能力。所得結果各植物之沈降速度範圍為0.19~0.01mm/s,大小依次為山蘇花、粗肋草、黃金葛、蔓綠絨、馬拉巴栗、迷你火鶴、紅邊椒草、白紋草、黛粉葉、佛州星點木及白邊萬年青。土壤及水亦能吸收甲醛,但與測試的十一種植物比較,吸收力屬較弱之受體。測試山蘇花、粗肋草及黃金葛於日間及夜間對甲醛濃度17.00±0.63ppm吸收能力之變化,三種植物於夜間吸收力均僅為同者之1/33~1/4。測試山蘇花及粗肋草於10000、5000、1000、0 Lux四種光度下,對甲醛濃度17.41±0.81ppm吸收能力之結果,發現光度越弱,葉片對甲醛之吸收力亦越弱。於四種光度下發現山蘇花葉片對甲醛之吸收力與水分通導度及吸收力與光度之間均有顯著正相關,故證明甲醛主要經氣孔進入葉片而被吸收。
A small fumigation cuvette with size of 2 liter was designed for measuring the uptake rate of formaldehyde by eleven common indoor plant species. The deposition velocities had measured and ranged from 0.19 to 0.01 mm/s. The nest fern(Asplenium nidus L.) has the greatest deposition velocity, followed by chinese evergreen(Aglaonema ‘Silver King’), golden pothos(Epipremnum aureum Bunt.), philodendron(Philodendron ‘Imperal Green’), malabar chestnut(Pachira macrocarpa Schl.), flamingo flower(Anthurium roseum), radiator plant(Peperomia clusiaefolia), St. Bernard’s lily(Chlorophytum bichetii Backer), dumb cane(Dieffenbachia ‘Pali Hai’), gold-dust dracaena(Dracaena godseffiana cv. Florida Beauty) and Dracaena sanderiana. The tested soil and water plate also have uptake ability, but their uptakes are medium among the green plants. nest fern, chinese evergreen, and golden pothos were tested in day (light) and Night (dark) conditions against 17.00±0.63ppm formaldehyde. The results showed that generally the uptake rates in dark were about 1/33 to 1/4 of those in light. Light intensity of 10000, 5000, 1000 and 0 Lux were compared for formaldehyde uptake by nest fern and chinese evergreen. Generally the uptake rates were higher as the light intensity increased. The results of leaf conductance measurement with nest fern as compared with formaldehyde uptake rates indicated that the gas was absorbed primarily through the stomata.
The measurement of formaldehyde uptake by six plant canopies using an air-cleaning ecosystem tank (Sentai Technology Co.) with size of 105 x 45 x 60 cm, showed that the deposition velocities were in the range of 3.14~1.83 mm/s. The greatest is malabar chestnut, followed by Boston fern(Nephrolepis exaltata cv. ‘Bostoniensis’), dumb cane, philodendron, golden pothos, and radiator plant. The deposition velocities of the same species were generally higher than those measured with the 2-liter cuvette system. When the canopy of Boston fern, philodendron, and radiator plant were continuously exposed to 1.21±0.17ppm of formaldehyde for 24hr, the uptake rates generally decreased. However, the uptake rate of radiator plant fluctuated with the diurnal pattern. The measurements using 2-liter cuvette also indicated that the plants usually recover their uptake ability when they have a 24-hour break between each two exposures.
In this study, all the plants except malabar chestnut were not sensitive to 17.61±0.86ppm of formaldehyde. The young leaves of malabar chestnut showed brown necrotic spot symptoms as exposed to 20.70 ppm of formaldehyde for 1 hour.
The studies indicated that small cuvette system was only suitable for mechanism and factorial analysis studies. While the large natural ecosystem tank was more suitable for canopy uptake studies and screening tests.
All the results in this research indicate that indoor green canopy is a promising approach for controlling indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde and carbon dioxide. Although the depletion rates were only at the range of 3 to 11 %, the green plant has many other advantages such as low cost, easy to maintain, absorbing many gaseous pollutants like CO2 simultaneously, sustainable working, improving aesthetic environment, and improving microclimate for human being.
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