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研究生(外文):Miin-Tzong Yang
論文名稱(外文):Chilling Stress Represses Nuclear Gene Expressions and Plastid Development in Leaves of Chilling-Sensitive Mungbean Seedlings
指導教授(外文):Yih-Ming Chen
外文關鍵詞:chilling stressetiolated seedlingetioplastLHC IIphotosynthesiscold-suppressed genechilling-treatmentimmunoblotting
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綠豆(Vigna radiata L. v. 2937)屬於不耐寒植物,本篇論文旨在探討低溫逆境對綠豆幼苗之負面影響,包括黃化體(etioplasts)發育、葉綠體構造及細胞核基因與蛋白質表現等。28℃黑暗中生長之黃化幼苗,以10℃低溫光照處理後,初生葉仍維持黃化現象,不因接受光照而轉為綠色,但黃化葉片仍會隨著生長天數而逐漸展開,完全展開約需15天。此外,下胚軸亦不再快速延長。以電子顯微鏡觀察低溫光照處理之黃化葉片細胞,發現黃化體並不會發育為葉綠體,且隨著處理時間之增長,所受傷害也越趨嚴重。其傷害情形包括澱粉粒消失、前層體(prolamellar bodies)之膜系由類結晶構造轉為散亂不規則狀。另外,內膜(inner membrane)、類囊膜(thylakoid membrane)及前層體外圍膜系均逐漸產生許多小囊胞(vesicles)。處理七天後,小囊胞已普遍存在於各黃化體中。小囊胞會互相融合而形成較大之液胞(vacuole)。有些黃化體則死亡,形成雙層膜之液胞構造。然即使經過15天之低溫處理,當移入28℃光照後,未死亡之黃化體仍能發育為成熟之葉綠體。28℃光照下生長之綠色植株,經10℃低溫光照處理4天後,葉綠體內之澱粉粒亦會消失,且有些細胞內之葉綠體已出現崩潰瓦解。
以SDS膠體電泳(SDS-PAGE)分析28℃光照和10℃光照下生長之葉片蛋白質,發現有5種蛋白質經低溫處理而明顯累積,其分子量分別為82.3 kD、66 kD、34.1 kD、29 kD及27.6 kD ;另有10種蛋白質則因低溫處理而受抑制,其分子量分別為51 kD、42.5 kD、33 kD、30 kD、28.5 kD、27.2 kD、26.3 kD、24.8 kD、24 kD、14.3 kD。這些合成量減少之蛋白質,與葉綠體蛋白質比較結果,發現大多數應屬於葉綠體蛋白質,包括膜蛋白(33 kD、30 kD、28.5 kD、27.2 kD、26.3 kD、24.8 kD)及基質蛋白(51 kD、42.5 kD、24 kD、14.3 kD)。
為瞭解低溫逆境對葉片細胞核基因表現之負面影響,以28℃照光生長葉片之poly(A)+ mRNAs,建立一cDNA library,再以差異式篩選法(differential screening)篩選受低溫抑制之基因,共找出13個不同之基因,其中有12個基因,係合成葉綠體蛋白質,包括與光反應有關之PORB、Lhcb 1、Lhcb 2、Lhcb 3、Lhcb 4、Lhcb 6、PS I-F,及與暗反應有關之carbonic anhydrase、rubisco activase及RbcS。第13個基因則合成cytochrome P450(CYP90A2)蛋白質。這13個基因在10℃低溫光照或低溫黑暗處理之黃化幼苗葉片中,幾乎都沒有任何表現。而28℃照光生長之綠色幼苗,經10℃低溫光照處理2天後,這些基因之表現量亦明顯降低。處理第5天後,幾已無表現。經10℃光照處理9天之黃化幼苗,移入28℃光照後,原受抑制之13個基因均能恢復正常表現,開始表現之時間約於回溫5小時後,然大量表現之時間並不一致。其中,與暗反應有關之基因(carbonic anhydrase、rbcS及rca)於回溫13個小時內,均已有大量累積。而與光反應有關之基因,則以porB大量表現之時間最早,約在照光13小時後。而lhcb1、lhcb2、lhcb3、lhcb4、lhcb6大量表現之時間最晚,約在照光33個小時後。低溫光照處理5天之綠色植株,移回28℃光照後,原受抑制之13個基因亦均能回復表現。13個基因於低溫下表現量降低之原因,經細胞核轉錄活性試驗分析結果,發現是由於轉錄作用受到抑制。
The mungbean (Vigna radiata L. v. 2937) is a chilling-sensitive plant. Etiolated leaves of mungbean seedlings grown in the dark fail to turn into green after shifted to light and cold (10℃) environment. The negative effects of chilling temperature on mungbean leaves were investigated from three aspects: ultrastructural alterations, screening of cold-suppressed (cos) nuclear genes, and Western blotting. Development of etioplast was suppressed by chilling treatment. Furthermore, many tiny vesicles or a larger vacuole were formed in the etioplast after prolong chilling, and the etioplast may die and become a double-membraned vacuole. Chloroplasts also disintegrated after prolong chilling. By SDS-PAGE analysis, it was found that 5 proteins accumulated (82.3 kD, 66 kD, 34.1 kD, 29 kD, 27.6 kD) and 10 proteins decreased (51 kD, 42.5 kD, 33 kD, 30 kD, 28.5 kD, 27.2 kD, 26.3 kD, 24.8 kD, 24kD, 14.3 kD) in the cold- and light-treated etiolated leaves. A cDNA library was constructed from poly(A)+ mRNAs of 28℃-light-grown leaves for screening cos genes. Thirteen full-length cDNA clones were obtained, and 12 clones encode chloroplast proteins, including Lbcb1, Lhcb1*2, Lhcb1*3, Lhcb2, Lhcb3, Lhcb4, Lhcb6, PORB, PSI-F, carbonic anhydrase, RbcS and RCA. Another cos cDNA encodes CYP90A2, which is a cytochrome P450 protein. Accumulations of all these 13 gene transcripts were severely suppressed in 10℃-light-grown etiolated seedlings. The levels of all these 13 gene transcripts were also remarkably decreased in cold-treated green seedlings. By nuclear runoff transcription assays, it was demonstrated that the reductions of all these 13 gene transcripts were caused by decreased transcription rates. Suppression of all these 13 gene expressions is reversible when the growth condition is permissive. The polyclonal antibodies against PORB, Lhcb1, RbcS and RCA proteins were successfully prepared. Anti-PORB was found to cross-react with PORA, and anti-Lhcb1 was found to cross-react with other Lhcb proteins. Western blotting analyses show that PORB, Lhcb proteins, RbcS and RCA are either very little or undetectable in the 10℃-light-grown etiolated seedlings. In cold-treated green seedlings, PORB, Lhcb proteins and RCA are also decreased to either very little or undetectable level, while RbcS level has no apparent change. PORA level is very stable in cold-treated etiolated seedlings, but also decreases to undetectable level in cold-treated green seedlings.
目 錄
前 言
一、概 說…………………………………..……….…….…7
材 料 與 方 法
一、材 料…………………………………………….…......24
二、方 法
(五)分離總RNA ……………..…..…………………….37
(六)分離poly(A)+ mRNA………………..……………..38
(七)建構cDNA library………………………..………..39
(十)將cDNA insert轉入E. coli JM109…...…………..54
結 果
六、 利用RACE技術合成全長之cDNA…………………….89
八、rubisco activase cDNA 3''-端序列之分析……………..…..92
討 論……………………………………….…………………..99
結 語…………………………..………………………………109
附 錄 一……………………………….………….………………153
附 錄 二..………………………………..……………………….154
附 錄 三…………………………………...……………………..161
參 考 文 獻…………………………….………………………...…..164
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