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研究生(外文):Hsu-sheng Yu
論文名稱(外文):Study on the application of microbial diversity indices in accelerating the decomposition of waste material produced during the vegetable/fruit processing
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Tay Shyu
外文關鍵詞:diversity indicesdiversityevennessrichnessrestriction fragment length polymorphism
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利用增殖16S rRNA基因來比較微生物族群的技術,在今日已廣泛應用在微生物生態上。本實驗之策略在分離出所有族群DNA,再利用此DNA來當模板,以專一性引子增殖出16S rRNA基因(rDNA)。隨後建立16S rDNA之基因庫後,藉由16S rDNA之限制片段長度多型性(RFLP)來快速篩選。
本實驗過程中針對原核微生物來分析,首先,我們針對16S rDNA專一性的寡核統計出其個別與RDP(Ribosomal Database Project)中完整的3000條以上SSU rRNA基因序列之穩合機率,最終結果我們選用了一組能夠選殖出1.5 kb左右長度的引子。之後我們也對選用的限制做了一系列的評估,實驗以電腦模擬的方式,選出能將上述引子選殖的16S rDNA基因中間序列切割成片段長度範圍集中的一組酵素,最終我們選用了AciI、BstUI、RsaI三種限制。
本研究我們總共分析了165條從土壤DNA增殖的16S rDNA,然後以AciI,RsaI和BstUI三種限制來鑑定”phylotype”。最終的75個”phylotype”之種類與數量分佈情形等調查皆以多樣性指標來表示。所有微生物共可分為18個群落,最終結果無施肥土壤與添加堆肥土壤較接近。無施肥、添加堆肥、添加化肥土壤三者之歧異度分別為0.990、0.986、0.962;均勻度為0.979,0.977,0.931。
To deal with vegetable/fruit waste material, we used its compost on Brassica chinesis cultivation。We appear compost not only provide nutrients, but also have other effect increase the production of Brassica chinesis cultivation.So the study focus on the microbial diversity during the Brassica chinesis cultivation, and we compared the microbial diversity in blank, compost, Chemical fertileizer soil.
Techniques based on amplification of 16S rRNA genes for comparing bacteria community are now widely used in microbial ecology. The stepwise strategy in this study is to isolate total community DNA and use this DNA as a template for PCR amplification of 16S rRNA genes(rDNA) with domain-specific primers. Followed by construction of a clone library for genes encoding 16S rDNA and rapid screening of the library by determining restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of the 16S rDNAs.
In this study only prokaryotes have been analysised. First, we matched 16S rDNA specific primer with over 3000 SSU rRNA sequences, at last we choose the primer pair that amplify around 1.5kb in length.Then we also compare the restriction enzyme, which could digest the sequence amplified with the primer pair into appropriate fragment length, Lastly we used AciI、BstUI、RsaI.
We analyzed 165 16S rDNAs amplified from extracted soil DNA, then defied phylotypes with the restriction enzymes AciI,RsaI and BstUI. At last, a total of 75 phylotypes richness, frequency distribution of the three clone libraries were investigated by using diversity indices. All phylotypes were divided into 18groups, the similarity is higher between blank soil and compost soil. The indices of blank, compost, chemical fertileizer soil are 0.990、0.986、0.962 for D value;and 0.979,0.977,0.931 for Evenness.
(一)土壤抽取之total DNA……………………………………………37
三、16S rDNA的轉形………………………………………………………40
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