The six major changes, including reduced the Value-added tax of financial and insurance companies and prescribed ratios of legal reserve, announced by the Ministry of Finance on February 19, 1999 that boosted the stock market on a consecutive winning streak for days to come, this has brought forth the objectives of this study as it aims to examine the ramifications that the announcement has toward the bank stock listings, with due observation made to examine likely changes to the return on investment, expected earnings per share related to the favorable reduction, as well as the relevancy among the previous day''s price earning (PE) ratios, disproportional lending within the banking sector, as well as variables on the economies of operating scales. The progressive approach has been adopted has the framework with which the study is based upon as the Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) is tabulated from the ordinary least square (OLS) via the market model, coupled with the T-test method, by testing whether an ominous correlation exists between the reduction announcement and CAR. Subsequently, the multiple regression model is then applied by testing whether a prominent correlation can be established among CAR and expected earnings per share as a result of the reduction announcement, the previous day''s PE ratios, disproportional lending within the banking section, as well as variables on the economies of operating scales. Findings concluded by the study are listed as follows, 1. There is an ominous relationship between the reduction announcement and changes in the banking sector''s CAR rating, meaning that the reduction announcement does bring forth an increased CAR rating in the banking sector. 2. Of the relevancy between the CAR and expected earnings per share, simulations conducted by the study indicate that the higher the expected earnings per share, the larger the CAR will become. 3. In terms of the relevancy between the CAR and the previous day''s PE ratios simulations conducted by the study did not find conclusive evidence that indicates a pertinent relevancy exist between the CAR and the price earning (PE) ratios. 4. With regard to the relevancy between the CAR and disproportional lending by the banking sector, simulations conducted by the study indicate the lower a bank''s over-due lending ratio is, the higher its CAR rating will become. 5. In terms of the relevancy between the CAR rating and the economies operating scale, simulations conducted by the study indicate that the larger the company''s economies operating scale is, the lower the CAR rating will become.