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研究生(外文):Ying-Ding Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Content Replication and Migration in Multimedia Streaming Framework
指導教授(外文):Jau-Hsiung Huang
外文關鍵詞:MultimediaStreamingContent ReplicationContent MigrationCacheOptimization
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在現今多媒體串流的通訊協定下,例如RTSP(Real Time Streaming Protocol),我們自行設計了一套可以有效縮短使用者等待時間和提高服務品質的系統架構。在這個架構下,我們會使用到三種伺服器,就是「導向伺服器(Redirector)」、「資料伺服器(Context Repository)」和「多媒體串流伺服器(Prefix Cache)」,他們的功能將會在下面的文章作詳系的介紹。在一開始,使用者會先一個中央控管的導向伺服器提出請求,接著導向伺服器會找出最適合伺服這個使用者的多媒體串流伺服器來傳輸多媒體資料。

According to the progress of information technology, the bandwidth of network has become larger and larger. Not only pure data or file can be conveyed in network, people can transmit real-time data such as audio and video. As a result, the question of how to improve user’s quality of service (QoS) naturally becomes an important issue of research.
According to multimedia streaming protocol today, such as RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol), we design a multimedia streaming framework which can reduce user’s waiting time and improve user’s quality of service efficiently. In our framework, we use three kinds of servers, namely “Redirector”, “Content Repository”, and “Prefix Cache”, the details of their functionality will be explained later. At the beginning, user’s request will be handled by our central-control Redirector first, and then Redirector will find the most suitable Multimedia Streaming Server to transfer multimedia data.
In our framework, Prefix Caches could merely store the prefix of multimedia data, this is for the reason of reducing user’s waiting time, and save servers’ hard-disk space at the same time. Entire multimedia data will be stored at Content Repositories, therefore, when somebody want to appreciate entire multimedia data, Multimedia Streaming Servers will download the rest of multimedia data from Content Repositories, of course. However, which Content Repository should we choose? Furthermore, which Content Repository would the best choice to store the entire replica of multimedia data? These critical problems would be solved in this paper.

第一章 緒論1
第一節 前言1
第二節 Multimedia Streaming Framework簡介1
第三節 Content Replication and Migration簡介3
第四節 論文章節編排4
第二章 相關研究5
第三章 Multimedia Streaming Framework6
第一節 Framework概觀6
第二節 Redirector功能介紹7
第三節 Content Repository功能介紹10
第四節 Prefix Cache功能介紹12
第四章 Content Replication and Migration15
第一節 Location Problem15
§4.1.1 Maximum Covering Location Problem17
§4.1.2 Greedy Algorithm19
§4.1.3 Lagrangian Relaxation23
第二節 Mapping to Computer Network28
第三節 Example33
第四節 Migration的時機38
第五章 結論及未來展望40
第一節 結論40
第二節 未來工作41

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