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研究生(外文):Ju-Chen Hou
論文名稱(外文):A Theoretical Study of Raingauge Network Design Using Information Entropy
指導教授(外文):Ke-Sheng Cheng
外文關鍵詞:information entropystationary random fieldjoint entropymutual informationglobal kriging variance
  • 被引用被引用:10
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An effective raingauge network capable of providing reliable and accurate rainfall records is essential for flood control and water resources planning and design. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of an existing raingauge network, we conducted a thorough investigation of network design algorithms, including the maximum kriging variance approach, the minimum global kriging variance approach, and the maximum joint entropy approach.
Hourly rainfall data collected by a flood-control-oriented network of 37 raingauges in Tanshui River watershed was used for this study. We first removed the spatial trend of average rainfall using a second order polynomial model. The residuals were then modeled as a stationary random field with a constant entropy at all spatial locations. The existing raingauges were prioritized based on the effectiveness of the raingauge network.
The maximum kriging approach and the maximum joint entropy approach of raingauge network evaluation yield similar results. A drawback of these two approaches is that they focus on increasing the joint entropy or reducing the average kriging variance of a raingauge subset, and fail to consider the joint entropy or average kriging variance of the whole study area. We conclude that the minimum global kriging variance approach is superior to other approaches with regard to minimization of global kriging variance.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 熵之歷史發展 3
第二節 雨量站網之研究4
第三章 訊息熵之理論 6
第一節 訊息理論 6
第二節 熵之理論 7
(一)離機隨機變數之熵 7
1.邊際熵 7
2.聯合熵 8
3.條件熵 9
4.可轉移資訊 10
(二)連續隨機變數之熵 11
1.定義 11
2.三種連續特殊分佈的熵 12
(三)多變量隨機變數之熵 14
2.連續隨機變數 17
第四章 站網設計評估方法之檢討 19
第一節 區域平均降雨變異數分析 19
第二節 水文不確定性之量測 29
第三節 利用熵計算雨量站網 34
第四節 以熵為基礎評估水質監測站網 37
第五節 區域化變數理論與隨機變域模擬在雨量站網
設計之研究 40
第五章 監測站網設計概念 44
第六章 淡水河流域雨量站網評估 49
第一節 淡水河流域概況49
第二節 資料分析 50
第三節 雨量站網設計流程 50
第四節 雨量站網的評估與分析 55
(一)最大聯合熵值法 55
(二)傳統式克利金變異數 62
(三)比較最大聯合熵值法與傳統克利金法 62
第七章 結論與建議 65
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