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論文名稱(外文):purification and characterization of phytochelatin synthase from fisstion yeast (schizosacchromyces pombe 806)
外文關鍵詞:phytochelatin synthasephytochelatin
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當重金屬鎘進入細胞後,會造成大部分的胞內酵素失活,使得細胞的正常代謝反應受到干擾,導致細胞生長受阻。然而植物或裂殖性酵母菌中的植物螯合素合成 (phytochelatin synthase, PCS) 反而會受到鎘的活化,以glutathione (GSH) 為基質合成植物螯合素 (phytochelatin, PC)。PC可結合進入細胞內的鎘,先短暫形成分子量較小的Cd-PC複合體 (LMW),然後由液泡膜上HMT1 (heavy metal tolerance gene translated protein) 運送入液泡內,並加上硫離子形成較大的Cd-PC S2- 複合體 (HMW)。藉以上過程可將進入細胞內的重金屬鎘安全地隔離。
本論文以PCS為主要研究對象,首先改進PCS的活性分析,發現加入磷酸可以增強PCS的活性達數十倍;並以此分析法,重新改進PCS的純化步驟。 然後進一步製備單株抗體工具,加上各種方法,確定純化所得蛋白質確實為PCS,所用的方法分別為: (1) 純化流程中各步驟所得之PCS,以抗PCS的單株抗體 (Anti-PCS) 進行免疫呈色均可得正反應;(2) 所純化PCS原態分子量為46 kD,與由基因選殖推算者相符 (Clements et al, 1999); (3) PCS單株抗體可抑制PCS活性。 其次是釐清PCS的催化機制,發現:(1) 磷酸與Cd都可促進PCS的活性;(2) PCS以GSH當作基質,而不能以 gEC當作基質;(3) NaCl會抑制PCS活性。 其中磷酸能促進PCS活性的發現,迄今無人報告,而且效果非常大,所以本論文試圖以多種方式釐清磷酸對於PCS的影響。
When fission yeast was exposed to heavy metals, most enzymes in the cell were inactivated, and the metabolism of the cell retarded. However, the activity of phytochelatin synthase (PCS) in fission yeast cell was activated, and catalyzed the biosynthesis of phytochelatins (PC) using glutathione (GSH) as the substrate. PC molecules chelated the invading cadmium ions, produced a lower molecular weight Cd-PC complex (LMW), which was then transported by a transporter, HMT1, into the vacuole. The LMW complex was transformed into the higher molecular weight Cd-PC-S2+ complex (HMW) and was sequestered in the vacuole.
In this study, we improved the assay system of PCS by incorporating phosphate in the substrate mixture. The activity of PCS increased at least ten folds when measuring the phytochelatins produced. Using this assay method, we had refined the purification procedure for PCS. The purified enzyme was then used to prepare monoclonal antibodies against PCS (Anti-PCS). On Western blot, the antibody bound a clear band having the molecular mass of 46 kD, which is consistent with the molecular mass deduced from the cDNA of PCS (Clements et al, 1999). The enzyme activity was inhibited by Anti-PCS. When examined the catalytic behavior of PCS, we found that both phosphate and Cd increased the activity. On the other hand, gEC was not a good substrate, and NaCl inhibit PCS activity.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………….1
1.1 重金屬……………………………………………………………..1
1.2 重金屬對生物體所造成的傷害…………………………………..3
1.2.1 重金屬離子對細胞的損害…………………………………………..….3
1.2.2 重金屬離子對人類造成的傷害…………………………………..…….3
1.3 生物體中的重金屬隔離機制……………………………………..4
1.3.1 金屬硫蛋白……………………………………….…………….4
1.3.2 植物螯合素…………………………………………………..………….5
1.3.3 植物螯合素合成…………………………………………………..….6
1.3.4 植物螯合素合成之基因序列………………………………………...7
1.4 重金屬污染解決之道與實驗緣起………………………………..9
圖1-1 至圖1-6……………………………………………………....12
第二章 材料與方法……………………………………………………..18
2.1 酵母菌培養………………………………………………………18
2.1.1 菌種………………………………………………………………..…...18
2.1.2 洋菜膠培養法………………………………………………………….18
2.1.3 液態培養法……………………………………………….…..19
2.2 酵母菌的粗抽取液………………………………………………21
2.2.1 玻璃砂小量萃取法…………………………………..………...21
2.2.2 玻璃砂大量萃取法………………………………………….....22
2.3 生物化學分析法…………………………………………………23
2.3.1 蛋白質定量法……………………………………………………….....23
2.3.2 蛋白質 N-端序列決定法 (一)…………………………………...…...24
2.3.3 蛋白質 N-端序列決定法 (二)……………………………..……25
2.4 一般化學檢定法…………………………………………………27
2.4.1 鎘離子的測定……………………………………………….………....27
2.4.2 硫醇基的測定………………………………………….……...28
2.5 管柱層析法……………………………..………………………..29
2.5.1 膠體過濾法…………………………………………….……………....29
2.5.2 離子交換法………………………………………………………...…..31
2.5.3 金屬螯合層析法…………………………………………………...…..32
2.5.4 Hydroxylapatite 層析法……………………….…………………..….32
2.5.5 親和性層析法 (Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B)..…….……………...33
2.5.6 高效液相層析法 (HPLC) 基本操作…………...…….…………35
2.6 電泳檢定法………………………………………………………37
2.6.1 不連續膠體電泳 (native-PAGE)………………………………….…37
2.6.2 SDS 膠體電泳…………………………………………………….…..40
2.6.3 膠體染色法…………………………………………………………....41
2.6.4 膠片乾燥法………………………………………………..…...44
2.7.1 PCS活性分析………………………………………..………..45
2.8 專一性多源抗體製備…...……………………………………….47
2.9 單株抗體之製備…...…………………………………………….51
2.9.2 細胞融合……..……………………………………………………..….51
2.9.3 細胞保存法…...…………………………………………………….….55
2.9.4 單株抗體的生產…...……………………………………………57
2.10 酵素免疫分析法…...……………………………………….….58
第三章 結果與討論……………………………………………………..63
3.1 植物螯合素合成的純化………………………………………63
3.1.2 植物螯合素合成專一性抗體製備……………………………….....64
3.1.3 植物螯合素合成之純化…………..……………………………..….65
3.1.4 PCS 的性質檢定……………………………………………....68
3.2 植物螯合素合成催化機制的探討……………………………70
3.2.1 鎘離子可活化 PCS 活性……………………………………….…...70
3.2.2 鎘離子濃度對 PCS 活性的影響…………………………….……...70
3.2.3 磷酸可活化 PCS 活性………………………………………..……..70
3.2.4 磷酸、鎘離子與 GSH 加入次序會影響PCS 活性……………….70
3.2.5 Cd-GS2 對 PCS 活性的影響……………………….…………….....71
3.2.6 gEC 對 PCS 活性的影響……………………….…………………...71
3.2.7 NaCl 對 PCS 活性的影響……………………….….………...72
圖3-1 至圖3-23……………………………………………………..….73
表 3-1…………………………………………………………………….83
第四章 結論……………………………………………………………...97
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