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研究生(外文):Maw-Yang Liu
論文名稱(外文):Code Division Multiple Access Technique for Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
指導教授(外文):Hen-Wai Tsao
外文關鍵詞:code division multiple accessfiber-optic communication systems
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本論文研究編碼多工擷取技術於光纖通訊系統之運用。由於多用戶干擾為系統效能劣化的主因,吾人提出五種針對多用戶干擾的克服方法。首先利用PPM (pulse position modualtion) 及硬式限幅器來解決干擾的問題。在此系統架構之下提高PPM的重數M能更進一步地強化系統效能,而系統複雜度隨M成線性的增加。第二個方法則利用平行干擾消除器來解決多用戶干擾的問題,此種方法能夠經由增加功率來完全地消除干擾。
利用通道分集,吾人提出達到多速率的系統架構。由於通道分集平行傳輸的本質,吾人使用乘積碼來更進一步提高系統效能。此種架構僅需一個雷射二極體,光編碼器,及乘積碼編碼器(解碼器)。此外,吾人利用展頻碼的正交性提出一個格子編碼(trellis coding)的系統。此系統能將可容許上線的用戶數大大地提高。最後吾人利用線碼及equal weight orthogonal (EWO)的方法來提高系統性能,同時亦避免一長串空的資訊位元傳送。

This thesis investigates code division multiple access (CDMA) techniques for direct-detection fiber-optic communication systems. We propose five countermeasures to alleviate the adverse impact of multiple access interference (MAI). Avalanche photodiode (APD) is utilized for photodetection. We take account of the MAI, thermal noise, and APD noise to analyze system performance. The first approach uses PPM (pulse position modulation) signaling scheme and double optical hard-limiters placed before and after optical correlator. Such scheme is an interference-limited system, and system performance can be further improved if we increase the multiplicity M. The second method employs three kinds of interference cancellation schemes, which can completely eliminate the error floor via increasing power.
Multirate optical CDMA system via spatial channel diversity is proposed. We employ the essence of the parallel transmission of spatial channels to perform error control, which considerably enhance performance. This novel scheme requires only one laser diode, optical sequence encoder, and product-coded encoder/decoder. Another system using coding method is also proposed. Applying the orthogonality of the shifted versions of optical orthogonal code, trellis-coded scheme can greatly reduce error and also increase aggregate capacity. Finally, ternary line coding scheme is discussed for optical CDMA system. We combine equal weight orthogonal (EWO) scheme and line coding technique to further improve system performance and also avoid a long sequence with null characters.

Chapter 1. Introduction…………………………………1
1-1 Overview of Direct-Detection Fiber-Optic CDMA systems………….…1
1-2 Outline of This Thesis………………………………………5
Chapter 2. Fiber-Optic Synchronous CDMA Systems with Double Optical Hard-Limiters and PPM Signaling………..….8
2-1 Introduction…………………………………………...…8
2-2 System Architecture…………………………………….…10
2-3 System Performance Analysis……………………...…………16
2-4 Numerical Results…………………………………...……22
2-5 Concluding Remarks………………………………………29
Chapter 3. Fiber-Optic Synchronous CDMA Systems with Double Optical Hard-Limiters and PPM Signaling………..…30
3-1 Introduction………………………………………..……30
3-2 Co-channel Interference Cancellation Schemes for Synchronous Optical CDMA Systems...32
3-3 Reduction of multiple access interference for optical CDMA systems based on interference estimation…………………………………...…40
3-4 M-ary biorthogonal signaling scheme for S/CDMA systems……...……46
3-5 Concluding Remarks………………………………………65
Chapter 4. Multirate Asynchronous Optical CDMA System with Product Code………………….……….…66
4-1 Introduction……………………….…….………………66
4-2 System Architecture……………………………………….69
4-3 System Performance Analysis…………………………...……76
4-4 Numerical Results………………………………...………81
4-5 Concluding Remarks………………………………………90
Chapter 5. Trellis-Coded Asynchronous Optical CDMA Systems…………………………………………………91
5-1 Introduction………………………………………..……91
5-2 System Description…………………………..……………93
5-3 System Performance Analysis………………………...………99
5-4 Numerical Results………………………………..………106
5-5 Concluding Remarks………………………………...……113
Chapter 6. Asynchronous Optical CDMA Systems Using Trellis Ternary Coding Scheme………………...…………114
6-1 Introduction……………………………………….……114
6-2 System Description………………………………….……117
6-3 System Performance Analysis……………………….………122
6-4 Numerical Results…………………………………..……128
6 -5 Concluding Remarks…………………………..…………136
Chapter 7. Conclusion……………………..…………137

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