[1] S. Mikoshiba, “PDP Technology and Prospect,” PDP Workshop ,pp12~19. [2] 顯示器原理與技術 / 趙中興,田志豪編譯,初版,全華書局,民國86,pp.8-20~pp.8-24. [3] S. Mikoshiba, “ Dynamic False Contours on PDPs — Fatal or Curable?,”IDW’96, pp251-254. [4] 數位影像處理 / 衛組賞編著,初版,全華,民85. [5] Y.W. Zhu, “Determination of Magnitudes of Motion-Dependent Equalizing Pulses for Reducing the Gray Scale Disturbances on PDPs,” ASID’99, pp.299-304 [6] T. Shigeta, “Improvement of Moving-Video Image Quality on PDPs by Reducing the Dynamic False Contour,” SID 98 DIGEST, pp.287-290. [7] T. Koura, “Evaluation of Moving-Picture Quality on 42-in. PDP,” SID 98 DIGEST, pp.620-623. [8] I. Kawahara, “Simulation and Reduction of Motion Picture Disturbance,” IDW 97, pp.503-506. [9] S.H. Park, “Optimum Selection of Subfield Patterns for Plasma Displays based on Genetic Algorithm,” IDW 99, pp.715-718. [10]J. Ryeom, “An Image Data Rearranged Sub-Field Method for Reducing Dynamic False Contours in PDPs,” IDW 98, pp.547-550. [11]Y.S. Choi, C.W. Kim, “Quantitative Measure of Dynamic False Contours on Plasma Display,” IDW 99, pp.783-786. [12]T. Yamaguchi, “Improvement in PDP Picture Quality by Three-Dimensional Scattering of Dynamic False Contours,” SID 96 DIGEST, pp.291-294. [13]T. Shigeta, “Improvement of Moving-Video Image Quality on PDPs by Reducing the Dynamic False Contour,” SID 98 DIGEST, pp.287-290. [14]R.V. Dijk, “Motion Compensation in Plasma Displays,” IDW 98, pp.543-546. [15]S.Mikoshiba, “Visual Artifacts Generated in Frame-Sequential Display Devices: An Overview” SID 00 DIGEST pp.384-387. [16]J.L.Mitchell, W.B.Pennebaker, C.E.Fogg, D.J.LeGall, “MPEG Video Compression Standard”pp.21-32. [17]K.Sawa, T.Shiga, S.Mikishiba, “Evaluation of Motional Artifacts on PDPs Appearing with Arbitrary Motion of Observation Points” SID 00 DIGEST, pp.392-395. [18]T. Hirose, “Present Status and Future Prospect of Technological Development on Color PDPs,” IDW 99, pp.11-14.