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論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Doppler Velocimetry Using Monte Carlo Method
外文關鍵詞:Monte Carlo MethodHe-Ne laseroptical heterodyningclinical detectioncirculatory system
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醫學臨床檢測上所最想要的目標就是將其儀器微小化及有著高解析度和高精確度,再則維持人體生命機制之一是血液循環系統,因此研發非侵入性又有高精密度的光子測量之技術,以便測量醫學病理診斷時所需之重要生理參數。本研究是藉由蒙地卡羅法(Monte Carlo Method)進行光子於皮膚表面傳遞的電腦數值模擬分析與模型分析,以氦氖雷射作為其光源,然後經由Y型光纖進行光訊號的傳遞及感測,再以光外差法(optical heterodyning)測量該反射光頻率以及原始之入射雷射光波之頻率差,然後藉由光訊號分析與電腦數值分析來求得該物體之移動速度。
The most desired aim of clinical detection is to minimize the dimension of detection instruments but still maintain high resolution and high precision. One of the most important mechanisms for maintaining the life of human beings is the human circulatory system. This researches focus on a non-invasive technique of photon measuring. From the measured results we can obtain important biomedical parameters useful for pathological diagnosis.
This project is to implement a non-invasive optical flow velocimetry for detecting the human circulatory system under the skin surface. Monte Carlo Method is used to simulate and model the transmission of photon on the skin surface. The incident light source used was the He-Ne laser. The signal was transmitted and detected via Y-type optical fiber. Optical heterodyning is used to measure the frequency difference between the reflection wave and the original incidence laser wave. This is a real-time and continuous blood flow velocimetry. We find that the proposed method is feasible for doctors when doing clinical diagnosis.
The results of simulation using Monte Carlo method and that of clinical experiment were identical. Therefore, in the future we can use Monte Carlo simulation to build the system without taking expriment.
第一章 緒論1
1-1 簡介1
1-2 背景1
1-3 章節概要3
第二章 理論基礎5
2-1 皮膚結構5
2-2 都卜勒原理12
2-3 蒙地卡羅法14
2-4 統計分析16
第三章 系統架構及測量方式24
第四章 測量結果26
第五章 結論與討論38
第六章 未來方向42
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