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研究生(外文):Helen Kai-yun Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Construction Grammar Approach to Chinese Four-Character Idiomatic Expressions
指導教授(外文):Lily I-wen Su
外文關鍵詞:Construction Grammarconstructional idiomidiomatic expression
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關鍵字: 句式語法、句式成語、四字慣用語
本研究主要是從句式語法(Construction Grammar)的觀點出發,探討漢語中的四字慣用語。研究結果主張應將這些四字慣用語視為不同型式的句式成語(Constructional idiom)。本研究中所討論到的四字慣用語包括:(1) X-來-X-去/ X-來-Y-去、(2) 不-X-不-Y、及(3) 不-X-而-Y。
本研究依循句式語法的概念,討論這三種四字慣用語同時帶有在句法、語意、及語用上的特別語言訊息。研究顯示,在句法上,這些慣用語有一定的句法結構。並且可以在X或X和Y的位置代換入不同的詞,產生不同的例子。從X或X和Y的動詞種類歸結,可以看出整個慣用語本身的動貌語意會影響動詞X和Y的選擇。另外,有些慣用語(例: X-來-X-去/ X-來-Y-去)在及物用法上會出現與一般及物動詞不同的補語位置。
在語意上,主要是辨別慣用語在成為固定句式成語後所指涉的語意內涵。研究指出在句式成語中所出現X和Y動詞以及其語意內容,必須由整個慣用語,或是整個句式成語的語意與詞彙語意的互動來預測。除了指涉到一個固定明顯的意義之外,有些句式成語也會同時帶有其它從主要語意延伸出來的意義。這些額外的語意可以經由同一個概念基模(conceptual schema),或是隱喻延伸等途徑衍生而來(例: X-來-X-去/ X-來-Y-去、不-X-而-Y)。在語用上,語境訊息則可以幫助分辨一個句式成語所帶有的不同語意(例: 不-X-不-Y)。

Keywords: Construction Grammar, constructional idiom, idiomatic expression
This thesis aims to examine the multi-functional aspects of some Chinese four-character idiomatic expressions by adopting the Construction Grammar approach. The primary objective is to claim that these expressions represent basic units in the Chinese language as constructional idioms. Three different idiomatic expressions are been investigated: (1) X-Lai(come)-X-Qu(go)/ X-Lai(come)-Y-Qu(go), (2) Bu(not)-X-Bu(not)-Y, and (3) Bu(not)-X-Er(but)-Y. The syntactic, semantic, or even pragmatic properties of these highly idiomatic patterns are not predictable merely from combinations of meanings or function, which satisfy the specification of construction grammar (Fillmore, Kay, and O'Connor 1988; Goldberg 1995; Jackendoff 1997; Kay, 1997).
In order to establish these idiomatic expressions as constructional idioms, the first step is to uncover the unique syntactic, semantic and pragmatic functions associated directly to each expression of fixed pattern. Syntactically, the aspectual feature of the expression as a construction limits the lexical choices on verbs X or X/Y. Also, the idiomatic expression as a constructional idiom may require unusual positions for the complement structure (i.e., X-Lai(come)-X-Qu(go)/ X-Lai(come)-Y-Qu(go)). Semantically, the central meaning of each expression as a constructional idiom is identified. The main sense of the construction, plus the semantics of X and Y, generates the sense of each instance of the various constructional idioms. As constructions may have extended meanings outside constructional meanings, it is further observed that these extended senses could be related to the main sense of a construction based on one conceptual schema (i.e., X-Lai(come)-X-Qu(go)/ X-Lai(come)-Y-Qu(go)), or via metaphorical extension links (i.e., Bu(not)-X-Er(but)-Y). Also pragmatically the contextual information is incorporated so as to illustrate how contexts play a role in distinguishing constructional meanings (i.e. Bu(not)-X-Bu(not)-Y). The findings here enable us to treat these expressions as constructional idioms, whose syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic characteristics are viewed as connecting directly with the expressions. Constructional idioms as such may bear further implications on issues concerning both the cognitive and psychological reality of other similar Chinese idiomatic expressions.

Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract...............................iv
Table of Contents...............................v
List of Abbreviations........................viii
List of Tables and Figures.....................ix
Chapter 1 Introduction..........................1
1.0 Preliminaries...............................1
1.1 Research Questions..........................3
1.2 Data and Methodology........................4
1.2.1 Data......................................4
1.2.2 Methodology: Identifying Constructions
in Languages.................5
1.3 Organization................................6
Notes for Chapter 1.........................7
Chapter 2 On Construction Grammar: The
Theoretical Background.......8
2.1 Construction: The Basic Unit of Language....8
2.2 Features of Construction Grammar...........11
2.2.1 Construction Grammar and Other
Grammatical Models..........12
2.2.2 Construction Grammar and
Semantic Parsimony..........13
2.3 Idiomaticity in Construction Grammar.......14
2.4 Constructions in Chinese and Taiwanese.....16
Notes for Chapter 2........................22
Chapter 3 The Constructional Idiom: “X-Lai(come)-X-Qu(go)
/X-Lai (come)-Y-Qu (go)"......24
3.0 Introduction...............................24
3.1 Literature Review: “X-lai-5-X-khi1”
in Taiwanese Southern Min......25
3.2 Instances of “X-Lai-X-Qu/ X-Lai-Y-Qu”
from Corpora...................27
3.3 “X-Lai-X-Qu/ X-Lai-Y-Qu” as a
Constructional Idiom...........28
3.3.1 The Syntactic Properties.................29 The Syntactic Features of
Selected Verbs.................29 The Transitivity Feature of
“X-Lai-X-Qu/ X-Lai-Y-Qu”......32
3.3.2 The Semantic Properties..................36 The Semantic Relationship
Between X and Y...............37 Constructional Meanings................39 The Central Meaning: Distribution of
Occurrence Frequency..........43
3.4 Summary and Further Implications...........45
Notes for Chapter 3........................47
Chapter 4 The Constructional Idiom:
4.0 Introduction...............................51
4.1 The Instances of “Bu-X-Bu-Y”
from Various Sources..........52
4.2. “Bu-X-Bu-Y” as a
Constructional Idiom..........53
4.2.1 The Syntactic Property...................54 The Syntactic Features of
Selected Lexical Items........54 The Variation of the
Syntactic Structure...........58
4.2.2 The Semantic Property of
“Bu(not)-X-Bu(not)-Y”........59 When X and Y Refer to the Same Concept..60 When X and Y Refer to Opposite Concepts.62 Constructional Meanings.................63 Implicated Meanings....................68
4.2.3. The Pragmatic Property of
4.3 Summary and Further Study..................75
Notes for Chapter 4........................78
Chapter 5 The Constructional Idiom:
5.0 Introduction...............................80
5.1 The Instances of “Bu-X-Er-Y”
from Corpora and Dictionaries....81
5.2 “Bu-X-Er-Y” as a Constructional Idiom....81
5.2.1 Syntactic Property: The Internal
Structure of “Bu-X-Er-Y”.......82
5.2.2 Semantic Properties......................85 The Constructional Meaning
for “Bu-X-Er-Y”................85 Extended meanings and
Co-occurrence Restrictions.......90
5.3 Constructional Idioms and
Productivity Revisited...........93
5.4 The Advantage of the
Constructional Approach..........96
5.5 Summary....................................98
Notes for Chapter 5.......................100
Chapter 6 Conclusion..........................101
6.1 Summary...................................101
6.2 The Implication: Conceptualization and
Constructional Meanings.........103
6.3 Directions for Further Researches.........105
Appendix I.................................114
Appendix II................................116
Appendix III...............................117
Appendix IV................................119

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