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研究生(外文):ChiLing Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Design and Performance of a Six Degree-of-freedom Nanometer Resolution Micro-Positioning Stage
指導教授(外文):ShuoHung Chang
外文關鍵詞:precision positioning stagesix degree-of-freedomnanometer resolutionpiezoelectric actuator
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本文研製出一單層六自由度微動平台,此平台之最大行程為7 μm、解析度8 nm,旋轉量為180 μrad、旋轉解析度為0.7μrad,採用撓性鉸鍊、平板彈簧及彎曲彈簧等為機構設計主體,使用壓電致動器驅動。平台之設計亦經有限元素分析,並以模擬結果決定各細部設計參數,達到行程,旋轉量最大,各旋轉軸軸心重合,以及整體之體積最小,並同時考慮加工可行性等要求之最佳設計。
Precision positioning stages were widely used in many systems. This paper focuses on the development of precision positioning stages with high accuracy and achieving multiple degrees of freedom.
Piezoelectric actuators(PZT)are popularly implied in actuators in micro-positioning systems due to it’s advantages of infinitely small, high speed, high electrical mechanical coupling efficiency and little heat generation. In general, three methods are used in development of micro-positioning systems. One is to the use of the stick-slip phenomenon, another is the inchworm type, and the third is the application of material elastic deformation. The first two can achieve long travel range, and the third one can realize high precision.
A 6-dof micro-positioning stage were designed, fabricated, and tested. The stage has 7 μm travel and 8 nm resolution, and 180 mrad rotary range and 0.7mrad resolution. Using flexure hinges, leaf springs and bending springs to design the mechanism. Taking the PZT to drive the stage. Finite element analysis method was chosen to design the 6-dof micro-positioning stage. Taking the analysis results to design the dimensions of the flexibility structures and optimizing the characteristics.
Laser interferometer and PC were combined to measure the performance of the system including the static and dynamic characteristics, resonance frequency .
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖例目錄 V
表格目錄 Ⅹ
第一章 前言 1-1
第二章 研究目標 2-1
第三章 系統的設計與分析3-1
3.1 基本之機構形式 3-1
3.1.1 可用機構搜 3-1
3.1.2 機構設計 3-4
3.2 機構之微型化轉換3-10
3.3 有限元素分析 3-13
3.3.1 基本結構分析 3-13
3.3.2 內機構設計與分析3-46
3.3.3 中機構設計與分析3-54
3.3.4 外機構設計與分析3-63
3.3.5 機構組合與後續加工 3-72
第四章 實驗量測與數據分析4-1
4.1 實驗設計 4-1
4.2 實驗量測 4-2
4.2.1 感測器選用以及量測系統組裝4-2
4.2.2 實驗量測結果整理 4-4
4.2.3 內構實驗結果4-4
4.2.4 中機構實驗結果4-14
4.2.5 外機構實驗結果4-21
4.2.6 三機構性能整理 4-27
4.3 實驗數據討論 4-28
第五章 結論與未來展望5-1
文獻參考 R-1
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