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研究生(外文):Yueh-lin Lee
指導教授(外文):Shyi-Kaan Wu
外文關鍵詞:Infrared brazing processFe-28at%Al intermetallicsBinary Fe-Al phase diagramPure Al filler metalNICROBRAZ-L.M. nickel-based filler metal
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摘 要
The Infrared vacuum brazing process which is characterized with a rapid thermal cycle can reduce the disadvantage of the base metal exposed under high temperature and minimize the growth of the brittle intermetallic layers after long holding time. The present work reports a novel approach in joining Fe3Al by infrared brazing using both pure Al foil and Nicrobraz L.M. as brazing filler metals. For the case of pure Al foil as braze alloy, various iron aluminide phases such as FeAl3, Fe2Al5, FeAl2, FeAl, and the high temperatureεphase were observed in the joint for different brazing temperatures, and the formation of these phases can be explained by the binary Fe-Al phase diagram. For the other case of NICROBRAZ-L.M. as filler alloy, the reaction between it and Fe-28at.%Al base metal is much complex. The Ni3Al interfacical zone is formed by the reaction of the Ni atom (from filler metal) and Al atom (from base metal), and the braze zone includes γ’-Ni3(Si,Al) phase +γ-(Ni,Fe) phase matrix, bulkly (Fe,Cr,Ni)2B phase, and the CrxBy precipitates. With raising the brazing temperature and increasing the annealing time after brazing, the microstructure of the joint interface will finally be similar to that of the base metal in both cases.
2-1 Fe3Al型介金屬化合物合金特性與機械性質之探討…………………7
2-1.1 Fe3Al型介金屬化合物之合金相圖與其結構之簡介……………7
2-1.2 Fe3Al型介金屬之韌化……………………………………………8
2-1.3 Fe3Al型介金屬化合物之高溫強度的改善………………………9
2-1.4 Fe3Al型介金屬之氫脆性…………………………………………9
2-1.5 Fe3Al型介金屬化合物之高溫耐蝕及抗氧、硫化特性………10
3-1 硬銲基材之試片準備…………………………………………………29
3-2 硬銲填料之選擇與準備………………………………………………29
3-3.1 實驗設備………………………………………………………30
3-3.2 接合方式………………………………………………………30
3-3.3 接合夾具………………………………………………………30
3-3.4 硬銲接合實驗…………………………………………………31
3-3.5 持溫時間之控制………………………………………………31
3-4 接合介面分析…………………………………………………………32
3-4.1 分析前處理……………………………………………………33
3-4.2 分析儀器………………………………………………………33
4-1 Fe-Al二元系統中之介金屬相………………………………………42
4-4 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲接合介面組織…………………………53
4-4.1 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於700℃下之接合介面組織……53
4-4.2 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於800℃下之接合介面組織……54
4-4.3 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於900℃下之接合介面組織……55
4-4.4 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於1000℃下之接合介面組織…56
4-4.5 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於1050℃下之接合介面組織…57
4-4.6 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於1100℃下之接合介面組織…57
4-4.7 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於1150℃下之接合介面組織…60
4-4.8 Fe3Al/Al/Fe3Al紅外線硬銲於1200℃下之接合介面組織…61
4-5 結論……………………………………………………………………64
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