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研究生(外文):Po-Chih Ou
論文名稱(外文):Piecewise Closed-Loop Control of Driftless Systems
指導教授(外文):Min-Shin Chen
外文關鍵詞:motion planningdriftless systemclosed-loop controlpiecewise controlregulationtracking
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:239
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In this thesis, we first review a piecewise motion planning algorithm for driftless nonlinear systems. Then, we propose a closed-loop control design based on the same mathematical tool developed in the motion planning algorithm. The proposed control designs can drive the state of a driftless nonlinear system to any desired position asymptotically, using constantly switching control signals.
2.Differential Geometry3
2.1Controllability Concepts3
2.2Differential Geometry4
2.2.1 Lie Bracket concepts4
2.2.2 Formal Exponential concepts5
3.Open-Loop Control Design11
3.1 Nilpotent systems11
3.1.1 Design the fictitious input 11
3.1.2 Calculate the Philip Hall coordinate 12
3.1.3 Design the true control 13
3.2 Non-nilpotent systems18
3.3 Examples20
4.Closed-Loop Control Design23
4.1 Regulation Control24
4.2 Examples28
4.3 Tracking Control30
4.4 Examples33
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