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研究生(外文):Yuan-Chang Taeng
論文名稱(外文):Ultrasonography for Vocal Fold Biomechanics
指導教授(外文):Yio-Wha Shau
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasound artifactColor Doppler imageVocal foldMucosal wave velocityElasticity
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聲帶的振動在正常的發聲功能中扮演著重要的角色。在發音時,聲帶黏膜與空氣介面的運動會產生特有的彩色超音波假象,此圖形可以協助聲帶的定位。在離體(in vitro)實驗中,我們使用橡皮筋模擬高頻振動的軟組織,以觀察彩色都卜勒超音波成像原理。在超音波假象(artifacts)中,條紋的寬度與橡皮筋的振動頻率和超音波的影像頻率(frame rate)有關。軟組織的振動振幅、頻率和聲波阻抗是影響假象的形態。以邊緣固定的有限波動物理模式,本研究估計成年人的平均聲帶黏膜波動傳導速度(mucosal wave velocity);對男性而言(N=4),當發音頻率在85~310Hz之間和適當的聲音強度時,平均黏膜波動傳導速度介於2.1~10m/s,而對女性而言(N=3),聲音頻率在180~480Hz之間時,平均黏膜波動傳導速度介於5.0~16m/s。對男性而言,在低音調時,有效的聲帶的振動長度約為1.4~1.6cm;而女性則是1.3~1.5cm。在高頻率的發聲時,聲帶的長度伸長到1.7~1.8cm且聲帶的應力-應變關係並不是線性關係。以正常的聲帶密度值估計男性的楊氏係數約在37~915kPa,女性的楊氏係數約在120~ 1600kPa。本研究的結果顯示醫用超音波可以應用於人體聲帶的生物力學相關研究,配合臨床診斷評估聲帶的功能。

The vibratory movement of the vocal folds (VF) plays an important role in normal function of the phonation. During phonation the motion of mucosa-air interface generates a unique pattern of ultrasound artifacts which assist the identification of true vocal folds location. In vitro study using vibrating rubber string was conducted to investigate how the color Doppler image(CDI) displayed a vibrating soft tissue at high frequency. The width of artifacts strip was affected by the frequency of the vibrating string and the frame rate of ultrasound. The vibrating frequency, displacement velocity and acoustic impedance of the soft tissue were found to dominate the formation of color artifacts. Based on the model of finite wave with fixed ends, we estimated the mean mucosal wave velocity for adult volunteers. The mean mucosal wave velocity for the male subjects(N=4) were found vary from 2.1~10m/s in frequency range of 85~310Hz at their comfortable pitch and intensity, while the females(N=3) typically had higher mucosal wave velocity that varied from 5.0~16.5m/s in frequency range 180~480Hz. The effective vibrating lengths of vocal cord in low-pitch measured with CDI were about 1.4~1.6cm for males and 1.3~1.5cm for female. The vocal cord’s length extended to about 1.7~1.8cm in high-pitch and the stress-strain relation was nonlinear. Based on the norminal value of VF mass density, the Young’s moduli were estimated about 30~915kPa for male and 120~1600kPa for female.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
1-1 前言……………………………………………………………...1
1-2 文獻回顧………………………………………………………1
1-3 研究動機與目的………………………………………………...3
1-4 論文架構………………………………………………………...4
第二章 研究原理與聲帶的結構………………………………………5
2-1 波動…………………………………………………………...…5
2-1-1 行進波……………………………………………………5
2-1-2 駐波……………………………………………………...…7
2-1-3 波動方程式……………………………………………...…8
2-1-4 弦上的波速……………………………………………...…8
2-1-5 聲帶上的應用…………………………………………...…9
2-2 聲帶的結構……………………………………………………9
2-2-1 喉部的解剖………………………………………………...9
2-2-2 聲帶的顯微構造………………………………………….10
2-2-3 聲帶織組之生物力學特性……………………………….11
2-2-4 喉部肌肉對聲帶的調整……………………………….…12
2-3 醫用超音波基本原理……………………………………….…14
2-3-1 亮度模式………………………………………………….14
2-3-2 彩色都卜勒模式……………………………………….…15
第三章 實驗方法與步驟………………………………………………16
3-1 實驗設備…………………………………………………….…16
3-2 實驗方法…………………………………………………….…18
3-2-1 波動傳導速度………………………………………….…18
3-2-2 人體超音波影像的擷取………………………………….19
3-3 實驗步驟…………………………………………………….…20
3-3-1 假體波動傳導速度的測量………………………..…20
3-3-2 以超音波觀察假體的波動情形…………………..…20
3-3-3 以超音波觀察模擬駐波的假體模型 D………….21
3-3-4 以超音波觀察聲帶運動……………………………….…21
3-4 資料的分析與處理………………………………………….…22
3-4-1 假體的波動傳導速度……………………………..…22
3-4-2 超音波掃描速度………………………………………….22
3-4-3 測量超音波影像中的波長…………………………….…23
3-4-4 利用假像的輪廓測量橡皮筋的長度……………...…23
3-4-5 利用假像的輪廓測量聲帶的長度………………...…23
3-5 實驗對象…………………………………………………….…24
第四章 實驗結果與討論………………………………………………25
4-1 假體研究……...……………………………………………..…25
4-1-1 假體模型 B和模型C的波動傳導速度………...…25
4-1-2 超音波探頭掃描速度…………………………………….25
4-1-3 Strobe-motion……………………………………………..25
4-1-4 振動頻率與影像頻率的關係……………………….26
4-1-5 用假像的輪廓量橡皮筋的長度…………………...…27
4-1-6 振動速度與聲波阻抗………………………………….…27
4-2 人體實驗的結果……………………………………………….28
4-2-1 聲帶黏膜波動傳導速度………………………………….28
4-2-2 聲帶的機械特性……………………………………….…28
4-3 討論………………………………………………………….…29
4-3-1 假體研究的討論………...……………………………..…29
4-2-3 聲帶的機械特性………………………………………….32
第五章 結論與未來展望………………………………………………36

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