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研究生(外文):Hung, Pei-Yu
指導教授(外文):Lin, Cheng-Fang
外文關鍵詞:sludgesinteradsorptionsurface complex modelTLMpH-adsorption-edgesadsorption affinity
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由實驗結果得知,淨水污泥經燒結後,比表面積大幅減小;其對兩種陽離子之吸附邊緣曲線均向右偏移,意即在相同pH條件下,吸附率明顯下降;根據實驗結果計算其吸附容量得知,在pH=6.0±0.1的條件下,1000℃燒結體與1100℃燒結體對銅離子之吸附容量各約為3.30、1.75 mgCu/gSOH。且淨水污泥燒結前後,對銅、鉛離子的吸附親和力並不相同,未燒結之淨水污泥對銅離子有較強之親和力,然其燒結體則對鉛離子具較強之吸附親和力。
由模擬結果得知,鉛離子與銅離子在淨水污泥及其燒結體表面之吸附反應為內層吸附,添加背景電解質對吸附結果影響不大。兩種陽離子以自由離子態﹝Me2+﹞及水合態之一次水解產物﹝Me(OH)+﹞共同在吸附劑表面進行表面單鉤錯合反應之模擬結果最佳,吸附劑之表面位址密度假設為7 sites/nm2,此值介於二氧化矽﹝5 sites/nm2﹞與針鐵礦﹝16.8 sites/nm2﹞之間。
Sludges from water treatment works consist of Al hydroxide and clay materials due to the use of alum coagulants in treatment process and the presence of natural colloidal particles in source water. These water treatment sludges can be heated to generate useful materials. In the mean while, potential toxic constituents can be confined within the solid matrix so that toxic leaching is greatly reduced. Reuse of the water sludge will certainly save the land disposal demand. The heated sludge products are Al oxides in nature. They bear surface reacting sites that are able to adsorb environmental cations as well as anions.
In this study, water work sludges were sintered at various experimental conditions to produce Al-containing adsorbents. Adsorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+ on sintered oxide was investigated and sorption results were further modeled using TLM for sorption equilibrium constants.
Specific surface area of dried sludge has been greatly reduced to 2 - 5 m2/gm. In comparison to unsintered adsorbent, pH-adsorption-edges of both Cu2+ and Pb2+ were shifted toward basic pH condition, implying a reduction in the affinity of sintered adsorbent for metal ions. At sintering temperatures near 1000oC, the adsorption densities of adsorbents were around 1.75 - 3.30 mg Cu2+/gm at pH 6. Sintered adsorbent seems to exhibit better affinity for Pb2+ than Cu2+, which is quite different from the unsintered adsorbent which shows better association with Cu2+.
Effect of background electrolytes on metal sorption is negligible. Triple layer model simulation has shown that Cu2+ and Pb2+ sorption on sintered adsorbent are inner-sphere interactions and the dominated surface metal species are monodent of Me2+ and MeOH+.
目 錄
謝誌 ……………………………………………………………………………….. I
摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………. II
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………… III
目錄 ………………………………………………………………………………...V
圖目錄 …………………………………………………………………………...VIII
表目錄 ……………………………………………………………………………..XI
第一章緒論 …………………………………………………………………….. 1
1-1研究緣起 …………………………………………………………………… 1
1-2研究目的與內容 …………………………………………………………… 2
第二章基本理論與文獻回顧 ………………………………………………….. 4
2-1金屬氧化物之物化特性 …………………………………………………... 4
2-1-1金屬氧化物之表面特性 …………………………………………… 4
2-1-2金屬氧化物表面位址密度與分佈 ………………………………… 6
2-1-3金屬氧化物與陽離子之表面錯合反應 …………………………… 7
2-2淨水污泥之氧化物組成及其性質 ………………………………………... 8
2-2-1二氧化矽 …………………………………………………………… 9
2-2-2氧化鋁 ………………………………………………………………10
2-2-3氧化鐵 ………………………………………………………………11
2-3燒結基本理論 …………………………………………………………….. 11
2-3-1固態燒結 ………………………………………………………….. 11
2-3-2燒結擴散機制 …………………………………………………….. 13
2-4吸附基本理論 ……………………………………………………………. 15
2-4-1物理吸附與化學吸附 …………………………………………….. 15
2-4-2特定吸附與非特定吸附 ………………………………………….. 16
2-4-3背景電解質對吸附反應之影響 ………………………………….. 17
2-5固液界面反應模式 ………………………………………………………...18
2-5-1等溫吸附模式 …………………………………………………….. 18
2-5-2離子交換模式 …………………………………………………….. 20
2-5-3表面錯合模式 …………………………………………………….. 21
2-6銅、鉛之物化特性 ………………………………………………………. 28
2-6-1銅 ………………………………………………………………….. 28
2-6-2鉛 ………………………………………………………………….. 29
第三章實驗材料與方法 ……………………………………………………… 31
3-1 吸附劑之製備 …………………………………………………………… 31
3-2 吸附劑之表面特性鑑定 ………………………………………………… 33
3-2-1 表面晶相結構之確認 ……………………………………………. 33
3-2-2 比表面積之測定 …………………………………………………. 34
3-2-3 表面酸鹼常數之測定 ……………………………………………. 35
3-3 平衡吸附實驗 …………………………………………………………… 37
3-4 競爭吸附實驗 …………………………………………………………… 39
3-5 吸附反應之表面錯合模式模擬 ………………………………………….. 39
第四章結果與討論 ……………………………………………………………42
4-1 吸附劑之表面特性鑑定結果 …………………………………………… 42
4-1-1 電子顯微鏡分析 …………………………………………………. 42
4-1-2 X光繞射分析 ……………………………………………………42
4-1-3 比表面積分析 ……………………………………………………..45
4-1-4 吸附劑表面酸解常數測定 ………………………………………. 47
4-2 24小時動力吸附實驗 ……………………………………………….…. 50
4-3 淨水污泥對銅、鉛離子之吸附反應 ………………………………….… 52
4-3-1銅離子之平衡吸附實驗及其模擬結果討論 ………………….…. 51
4-3-2鉛離子之平衡吸附實驗及其模擬結果討論 …………………….. 56
4-4淨水污泥燒結體對銅、鉛離子之吸附反應 ……………………………. 59
4-4-1銅離子之平衡吸附實驗及其模擬結果討論 ……………………. 59
4-4-2鉛離子之平衡吸附實驗及其模擬結果討論 ……………………. 62
4-5 銅、鉛離子在不同氧化物表面之界面反應 …………………………… 65
4-6 銅離子與鉛離子在不同氧化物表面之競爭吸附反應 ………………… 67
4-6-1 競爭力強弱之判斷 ………………………………………………. 67
4-6-2 競爭吸附結果之模擬 ……………………………………………. 70
4-7 模擬結果之討論 ………………………………………………………… 73
4-7-1 第一次模擬結果分析 ……………………………………………. 73
4-7-2 第二次模擬結果 …………………………………………………. 74
4-8 表面沉澱現象之討論 ……………………………………………………... 79
第五章結論與建議 ……………………………………………………………84
5-1結論 ………………………………………………………………………. 84
5-2建議 ………………………………………………………………………. 86
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………………… 87
附錄 ……………………………………………………………………………… 93
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