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研究生(外文):Hsiang-yu Yuan
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Natural Language Processing in a Medical Database System
指導教授(外文):Jau-Min Wong
外文關鍵詞:Natural Language ProcessingInformation ExtractionMedical Database
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In hospitals, a large amount of patient data is produced each day. It has become an important issue for medical professions to extract crucial clinical information from the stack of medical data. But due to the reason that patient data is stored in narrative form, it is difficult to access information from them.
In this study, we develop a natural language processor, which can transform the narrative data into structured information, which can be further used in decision support, data mining, and biomedical statistics.
The natural language processing system successfully processed 7590 medical reports. The extracted clinical information is further used in a web-based patient record system. Moreover, clinical distributing is counted based on these extracted information.
1.1The importance of Narrative Data in Medicine…1
1.2Difficulties in Accessing Information in Narrative Data……………………………………………………………………1
1.3Natural Language Processing as a Solution………2
1.4System Purpose of this Study………………………2
2.1Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction……………………………………………………………3
2.1.1Properties of Natural Language……………………3
2.1.2Overview of Natural Language Processing…………4
2.1.3Natural Language Processing…………………………4 Analysis………………………………5 Analysis……………………………………5 Analysis………………………………………6 Analysis……………………………………7
2.1.4Critical Problems in Natural Language Processing……………………………………………………………7………………………………………………7 Context………………………………………9 Problem……………………………………9
2.1.5Different Natural Language Processing Tasks…………………………………………………………………9
2.1.6Information Extraction………………………………10
2.1.7System Evaluation in Message Understanding Conference…11
2.1.8Natural Language in Medicine………………………11
2.1.9Natural Language Processing in Medicine………11
2.1.10System Evaluation in Medicine……………………12
2.2Knowledge Representation……………………………12
2.2.2Frame Representation…………………………………12
2.2.3Knowledge representation in medicine……………13
2.3Colonoscopic Diseases………………………………14
2.3.1Polyps of Colon………………………………………14
2.3.2Colonoscopic Findings………………………………14
3.2System Architecture…………………………………16
3.3NLP Component of Medical Texts……………………18
3.3.1NLP System Description………………………………18
3.3.2Knowledge Base in Natural Language Processor…19 Base Descriptions………………………19
3.3.3Lexical Preprocessing………………………………20 and Tokenizing…………………………21 of Speech Tagging………………………………23
3.3.4Syntactical Analysis…………………………………25 Parsing………………………………………26
3.3.5Semantic Analysis……………………………………28 Tagging………………………………………29 Matching………………………………………31 Processing……………………………………35
3.3.6Frame Representation…………………………………36 Generating………………………………………36
3.3.7Frame-Slot Mapping……………………………………38
3.4Clinical Information Model…………………………40
3.4.1The Role of XML Document Result…………………40
3.4.2Representation of Clinical Information…………40 Oriented Document………………………………41 Oriented Document………………………………42
3.4.3Controlled vocabulary mapping……………………43
3.5Medical Query System Design………………………45
3.5.1Query System Architecture…………………………45
3.5.2Interface Design Aspects……………………………47
3.5.3Colonoscpic Query System……………………………47
3.6Evaluation methods for NLP…………………………48
3.6.1The Gold Standard of Evaluation…………………48
4.1Material Source………………………………………50
4.2Show Application………………………………………50
4.3Clinical information…………………………………54
4.3.1Information of Polyp…………………………………54
4.3.2Disease-Age Distribution……………………………55
5.1The Advantage of the Query System Using NLP…59
5.2The Advantage of MeLPS………………………………59
5.3Comparisons with other NLP Systems………………59
5.4The reason of Error Results………………………60
5.5Dictionaries Constructing…………………………60
5.7Future Work……………………………………………61
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