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研究生(外文):Wang Wen-Hsi
論文名稱(外文):Transition Metal-Contained and Gamma-ray Exposed PSC as a Dental Retrograde-filling Material
指導教授(外文):Lin Feng-HuiLin Chun-Pin
外文關鍵詞:hydration reactiontransition metalgamma raycalcium silicatedental retrograde-filling material
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而從實驗的結果中可以得到,在1400℃的持溫溫度下,其微硬度的表現都比持溫溫度是1300℃的各組來得好,而由XRD的比較後可得知產物中的C3S的量都有隨著溫度的上昇而增加驅勢。 但是γ-ray的照射對材料的水合反應沒有影響。當CoO的增加量在到達5%時,不但對於有最高的C3S/CaO的比,也較能穩定活性較高的單斜結構組成的C3S,除此之外,對於後期的水合產物portlandite的形成也有極大的幫助,並且在微硬度的表現可達到將近70HV,相對於對照組而言相差了14倍之多。

We are developing a brand new dental retrograde filling material, which is called partial-stabilized cement (PSC). It is superb because of it great sealing ability, biocompatibility, anti-bacterial by increasing pH value, and induction of periodontal ligament (PDL) attachment. But it is limited in this field because of its long setting time and poor handling property. So what we are doing here is trying to change the composition and structure of the major component (C3S) of PSC by changing preparation temperature, transition metal addition and γ-ray exposure and evaluate the effect by microhardness test.
In the research, we find out that the reaction of hydration is much better as the preparing temperature increasing. It is known that composition of C3S in the product also increases with the raising temperature after the comparison of XRD. The exposure of the γ-ray to the anhydrous materials make no difference to the reaction of hydration. When the addition of CoO is up to the 5%, the product only has a higher ratio of C3S and CaO but also stabilizes the more active monoclinic structure of C3S. Besides, it facilitates the formation of later hydration product, portlandite, too. Its microhardness value almost reaches 70 HV, which is 14 times to the control group.

第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------1
1-1 前言-------------------------------------------------------1
1-2 材料種類和性質---------------------------------------------2
1-2-1 銀粉-----------------------------------------------------2
1-2-2 馬來膠---------------------------------------------------3
1-2-3強化氧化鋅丁香油酚黏合劑(Reinforced ZOE cement)---------3
1-2-4 複合樹脂-------------------------------------------------4
1-2-5 玻璃離子體-----------------------------------------------4
1-2-6 MTA------------------------------------------------------5
1-3 研究目的及動機---------------------------------------------5
第二章 理論基礎------------------------------------------------7
2-1 牙齒基本構造-----------------------------------------------7
2-2 PSC的性質-------------------------------------------------10
2-3 過渡金屬元素添加對於PSC的影響-----------------------------14
2-4 放射線照射對陶瓷材料的影響--------------------------------15
第三章 實驗材枓與方法-----------------------------------------18
3-1 實驗儀器--------------------------------------------------18
3-2 實驗藥品--------------------------------------------------19
3-3 實驗方法及流程--------------------------------------------20
3-3-1 PSC之製備-----------------------------------------------20
3-3-5 添加過渡金屬元素、持溫溫度及γ-ray照射對PSC硬度的影響---27
第四章 結果與討論---------------------------------------------29
4-1 PSC的製備-------------------------------------------------29
4-3-1 CoO的添加-----------------------------------------------33
4-3-2 ZnO的添加-----------------------------------------------35
4-3-3 Cr2O3的添加---------------------------------------------37
4-3-4 各個添加物之間對於C3S成份影響的比較---------------------39
4-4 微硬度測試------------------------------------------------44
4-4-1 持溫溫度對於PSC微硬度的影響-----------------------------44
4-4-2 γ-ray的照射對PSC微硬度的影響---------------------------44
4-4-3 過渡金屬元素的添加對PSC微硬度的影響---------------------44
4-5 過渡金屬元素對於PSC結構及水合反應影響的討論---------------50
4-6 電子顯微結構的觀察----------------------------------------51
第五章 結論---------------------------------------------------56
第六章 未來研究-----------------------------------------------57

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