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研究生(外文):Chang-wen Chi
論文名稱(外文):Development of Artifical nose for the detection of swine facility odors
指導教授(外文):Andrew C. Y. Fei
外文關鍵詞:Artifical nosePiezoelectric crystalOdors
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本研究係利用較為客觀且模仿人類嗅覺原理而由國人自行研發的人工鼻檢測儀器﹙Artifical nose﹚來評估應用於豬場相關臭味氣體快速檢測方法建立之可行性,藉以減少因污染氣味認知上的差異所衍生居民抗爭而造成社會成本耗損及強化養豬戶環保概念,以作好環境保護及改善污染,進而提升競爭力。此研究係將六種不同成分具有專ㄧ特性之生物(DH31)或化學物質(TN、HAC01、A1N、A5N、P1)被覆於各壓電石英晶體上(Piezoelectric crystal quartz)而製成可同時檢測有機胺(Amines)、有機酸(Organic acid)、阿摩尼亞(Ammonia)、硫醇類(Mercaptan)及苯環類(Aromatic)等物質之多列陣式壓電晶體人工鼻。其檢測原理即以豬場中較常產生臭味之各類物質特定受體蛋白吸附於各壓電晶體上,當檢測氣體與特定受體蛋白壓電晶體產生吸附作用時,其所產生之頻率變化藉電腦程式來格式化以產生精確如指紋般的特定圖譜(Fingerprint),以鑑定該氣味之屬性。因此本研究之焦點乃著重於評估使用多列陣式壓電晶體人工鼻當作豬場臭味分析感測器之潛能、實際應用於標準品、相關試驗室和國內豬舍有害氣體及氣味產生的種類及濃度檢測之結果及未來技術之探討。
本試驗自89年9月至90年5月間分別進行儀器再現性和穩定性之確認、台灣北部及中南部等八縣市127場豬場及8個相關試驗室的實際採樣檢測研究,並將127場豬場檢測結果與環保聞臭師(A panel of people)對127場豬場之直接嗅覺檢測結果作比對。
試驗結果發現此儀器具有好的穩定性及再現性,最適宜之採樣時間為350秒,標準品檢測之範圍Ammonia、Indole、Hexanoic acid 和 Toluene 則在 0.001 ppm 到 100 ppm之間,糞臭素之檢測範圍則從 0.01 ppm 到 100 ppm之間。在受測之127場豬場中,台北縣及基隆市分析結果則以CH 1、CH 2、CH 3、CH 4、CH 6等受體探針所產生之頻率變化較為劇烈、桃竹苗等縣之檢測分析值則以CH 3、CH 4受體探針所產生之頻率變化較為顯著、而雲嘉南等區域之檢測結果以CH 1、CH 3、CH 4等受體探針所產生之頻率變化較為劇烈。若以人嗅覺檢測(Olfactometry)結果來與上述頻率震盪劇烈之豬場做比對則發現其臭味多列屬於第三級和第四級之臭味檢測標準,比對各探針之被覆物質後得知127個受測之養豬場臭味主要係來自於有機胺、有機酸及硫醇類等降解物質所造成,但北部與南部因飼養環境、方法及溫溼度等條件之差異,常會影響其他較低濃度臭味氣體之檢出結果,故建議宜繼續採用此一操作簡易,價格便宜,又可現場快速鑑定之本法作一較長期的量測研究,收集相關影響環境變異係數及與養豬場臭氣產生之關聯性,藉以訂定客觀之國家檢測標準。
In the recent years, people pay more attention to the environment impact of swine facility due to the high education level and environment protection knowledge. According to US Environmental Protection Agency report that the high concentration of noxious gases ( such as Hydrogen sulfide, Carbon dioxide, Ammonia etc.) in the swine facility would cause person to breathe irritatively breathing. The noxious gases is also reported as one of the factors that caused to the death of hogs. More and more statistic data shows that the odors nuisance has become the major environmental problems in Taiwan. In order to solve the argument, an artifical nose study was conducted to detect and estimate the noxious gases in the swine facility. In this study a sensor system was employed to detect different gaseous odorants. The system consists of an array of six sensors in which different biological materials ( DH31, TN, HAC01, A1N, A5N, P1) were coated onto the surface of piezoelectric electrode. The principle theory of this study is when the specific gas is sorbed onto the coated material, the increased mass will reduce the resonant frequency of the crystal. By monitoring the change in the resonant frequency, the specific gas can, thus, be quantified. 135 samples were tested from 127 swine facilities and 8 laboratories in 8 counties from September, 2000 to May, 2001. there is good validation data of sensors sensitivity and reproducibility test. the detection range of Ammonia, Indole , Hexanoic acid and Toluene range from 0.001 to 100 ppm, and 0.01 to 100 ppm for Skatole. The response time is about 350 seconds. The test results indicate that the sensor of CH1,CH3 and CH4 receptor have significant changes of the resonant frequency in 127 swine facilities. Those changes are classified to be the degree 3 and degree 4 of odors level, compared by the method of human olfactory detection system (Olfactometry), We checked coated marterial of those sensor receptors and find out that the swine facility odors consist of Amines, Mercaptans and Organic acid. The array of six sensors form an unique fingerprint for each compound which could be used to identify different odorants.
We believed that using artifical nose to monitor the odour problems in swine facility, will become handly method in the near future. Although, sensor lifetime, desorption and biological molecules analogues problems need to be improved. Many applications should be easily accessible with the piezoelectric biosensor since it offers relatively low cost, real-time output, and experimental simplicity. As piezoelectric detection systems are optimized to their potential uses in livestock industry.
第一節試藥與檢測儀器 ---------------------------34
第一節儀器及檢測方法之確認 ---------------------43
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