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研究生(外文):I-Ching Tieng
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Anti-Lipid Peroxidation Effects of Water Soluble Carboxylmethyl Chitosan
指導教授(外文):Fung-Jou Lu
外文關鍵詞:chitosanlipid peroxidationshrimpcrabironmicrosomechelatorantioxidant
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在本篇實驗中,我們致力於探討甲殼素的抗氧化功用和其作用的機制。我們使用從蝦殼或蟹殼萃取而來的水溶性甲殼素,以TBA method檢測其抗脂質過氧化的程度,以1,10-phenanthroline當作指示劑檢測鐵離子的濃度。發現甲殼素具有很強的抗脂質過氧化能力,能抵抗由鐵離子引起的脂質過氧化;而且在脂質過氧化的過程中的initiation和propagation stage皆有作用。Shrimp CM-chitosan、crab CM-chitosan和trolox抑制脂質過氧化的IC50濃度分別是54.09、58.88和64.09μg/ml。而經由實驗證明它們的抗脂質過氧化能力是藉由螯合鐵離子所產生的,對於鐵離子的濃度和氧化還原狀態皆有影響。接下來測試甲殼素是否具有清除超氧自由基 (superoxide anion) 、過氧化氫 (hydrogen peroxide) 和2,2′-azobis (2-amidino-propane) dihydrochloride (ABAP)、tert-butyl hydroperoxide所產生的自由基的能力,發現並沒有這樣的效果。
在紅血球細胞實驗中,我們使用鐵離子引起細胞膜脂質過氧化,發現甲殼素有抑制細胞膜脂質過氧化的效果。另外在HL-60細胞實驗中,我們使用鐵離子引起細胞產生活性氧 (reactive oxygen species)、使細胞膜破損和粒腺體膜電位下降,發現甲殼素有很好的禦防效果。總和以上結果,甲殼素具抗脂質過氧化和螯合過度金屬離子的能力,可當作一個有潛力的抗氧化劑。

Chitosan is the deacetylated product of chitin, an ubiquitous biopolymer found in the exoskeleton of insects and marine invertebrates or the cell wall of fungi. Althought chitosan has been found to have some physiological and biological activities such as hypocholesterolemic activity, wound dressing and blood anticoagulant, little is known about the utility of chitosan in anti-lipid peroxidation effect.
In this study, we examined the effects of water-soluble carboxylmethyl chitosan (CM-chitosan) on antioxidant activities and its possible mechanism of action. We used water-soluble CM-chitosan derived from shrimp or crab as material to make following experiments. Percent inhibition of the lipid peroxidation was used as an index of the antioxidant effect. The products of lipid peroxidation were measured as malondialdehyde-thiobarbituric acid (MDA-TBA). Ferrous ion content was analyzed by the indicator 1,10-phenanthroline. We found that CM-chitosan could significantly reduce iron-induced lipid peroxidation at the initial and propagation stages in rat liver microsomes. The IC50 for shrimp CM-chitosan, crab CM-chitosan and trolox were 54.09, 58.88 and 64.09 μg/ml, respectively. And its antioxidant activities were mediated by chelating iron. We also test whether CM-chitosan has antioxidant activities on scavenging superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide or free radicals produced by 2,2′-azobis (2-amidino-propane) dihydrochloride (ABAP) or tert-butyl hydroperoxide, CM-chitosan has no effect on them. We then used rat red blood cells to evaluate the effects of CM-chitosan on cell membrane lipid peroxidation induced by ferrous ion. It was found that CM-chitosan could prevent cell membrane from lipid peroxidation induced by ferrous ion. In HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cell line experimemts, we used ferrous ion to cause cell membrane damage, induce cell to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), and make mitochondrial membrane potential decreasing. CM-chitosan could protect those cells from oxidative stress. Taken together these observations, CM-chitosan may have potential use as an antioxidant for the decrease of lipid peroxidation by chelating iron.

Abstract in Chinese…………………………………..…...……..………....1
Abstract in English………………………………..……...…………….…..2
(I).Lipid peroxidation is induced by ROS and by transition metal ions………………………………...………………………………………...5
Instruments and Materials…………………………………………….....10
Preparation of water-soluble carboxylmethyl chitosan…………………….15
Preparation of rat liver microsomes………………..………………………16
Lipid peroxidation system……………………………..…………………...16
Measurement of TBA-RS………………………………………..…………17
Wavelength spectra measurement………………………………….………17
Measurement of ferrous ions (Fe2+) concentration…………………………18
Ferrous iron (Fe2+)—stimulated oxidation of linoleic acid.……………..…..18
Measurement of superoxide anions production by phenazine methosulphate-NADH system……………………………………………………………...18
Measurement of superoxide anions production by xanthine-xanthine oxidase system……………………………………………………………………....19
Measurement of hydrogen peroxide degradation……………………..……19
Lipid peroxidation induced by ABAP or tert-butyl hydroperoxide………..20
Rat RBC…………………...………………………………………………..21
Measurement of lipid peroxidation by flow cytometry…………………….21
HL-60 cell line……………………..……………………………………….22
Cell culture…………………………..……………………………………..22
Cell membrane integrity determination by trypan blue dye exclusion…….22
Cell integrity determination by propidium iodide………………….……....23
Measurement of ROS by flow cytometry…………………………………..23
Measurment of mitochondrial membrane potential………………….…….24
Antioxidative effect on ascorbic acid or NADPH—induced lipid peroxidation in microsomes…………………………………..……………………………….…..27
Effect on terminination of radical chain reaction……….…………….……28
Effect of iron level on the lipid peroxidation…………………...………….28
Effect on superoxide anions scavenging capacities………………………..29
Effect on H2O2 scavenging capacities……………………………………...30
Effect on cleaning free radical produced by ABAP or tert-butyl hydroperoxide...30
Effect on lipid peroxidation induced by iron in rat RBC…………………..30
Effect on membrane damage induced by ferrous ion in HL-60 cells………31
Effect on ROS production induced by ferrous ion in HL-60 cells…………32
Effect on mitochondrial membrane potential in HL-60 cells………………32
Figures and Tables……………………..……………………….…………48

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